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Can anyone tell me what the water level and ramp situation are at Newton currently. I just want to make sure that I can launch my boat before I head up.

Thanks in advance!
there is just enough water to launch however the water is already on its way down. Be careful on that ramp a lot of damage. But if those monster ski boats can put on should be able to put most boats on.. but it wont be for long. Never got close to filling up this year and they are already pulling water out so its on its way down. The Island finally got submerged but the upper end really never had a chance. I guess this will concentrate the fish.....
Thanks for the info. It's gonna be a rough year for that place!
Forecast is low and going down. But - I have some ski-buddies that are getting out with no problem (yet) - well, except the leeches.

Gather it was pretty busy this weekend with campers all around. Good thing I made other plans I guess. I think the water's still at the bottom of the "ramp" {air quotes on that one}, but some folks primitive launch off the west side.

Sounds like it may be a short ski season for that lake this year, not that I'm complaining. Guess the island is already starting to crown.