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[#000080]relaSpent the weekend at Henry's. Went up Friday afternoon to get situated and get the boat in a slip at the Wild Rose. The wind was least the bugs weren't flying.[/#000080]
[#000080]Saturday morning, the opener was beautiful and flat calm..until 6:00AM when the winds came up again, but it also got rid of the bugs. The fishing, at least out of the boats was the best I've ever seen at Henry's. Trolling for 5 hours in the morning and three in the evening, I caught over 75 fish, mostly CuttBows and some Brookies. Most were in the 2-5lb range and some in the 5-7lb range. The water temp was 53.5 degrees so the bite was on. Sunday I took some other anglers out to teach them some tactics and was able to get them equal success. In all it was a fantastic couple of days fishing. All fish were released so they could enjoy the Memorial Day weekend.....[/#000080]
You caught over 75 fish and you just give us Lake shot? LOL
You would think there would be a shot or two of those 5-7 lb. fish [Smile]
[#000080]It's hard to take pictures that make any sense when you are by yourself. I need a GoPro I guess.....[/#000080]
[quote SportfishinSteve][#000080]It's hard to take pictures that make any sense when you are by yourself. I need a GoPro I guess.....[/#000080][/quote]Or take me.[Smile]
[quote SportfishinSteve][#000080]It's hard to take pictures that make any sense when you are by yourself. I need a GoPro I guess.....[/#000080][/quote]

I know what you are talking about, tried that the other day, did not work out too well .
I'll up Brookie one and say, "Take Me!" I have a GoPro [cool]
I'll trump everyone and say you should take your son. [sly]
Why, does he have a Camera?[laugh][laugh]
[#004080]Yeah, I am taking my son next year so he can run the camera...he can't catch fish for crap.. [cool][/#004080]
Ouch! So true though. [Wink]