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Full Version: Bear river bird refuge
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Think it would be worth it to hit the bear right now today ? Or will the cloudy weather make the cats not bite ?
Well went out for about 3 and half hours and only had one hit slow slow day I had a dead minnow out and beef liver had the one only hit on beef liver ! Anyone done any better at refuge recently ?
I'd heard from some that the kitties go wild when a storm's coming in. But that may not apply when it's just overcast.

Did you fish one spot, or try moving around? I know that's been a suggestion to our Utah Lakers - if no bites in 20 minutes, move. May be different along the river, but still.

I've played that game at Cutler - choose a post I think looks good, but move in/out and sometimes have gone from next to nothing, to bite after bite. Even changing up a pitch - out to the middle, nada, in by the reeds, and pa-zing.

just keep trying...