Fishing Forum

Full Version: Memorial Weekend Report: Johnson, Deep Creek, Weston, Winder
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We started out at Johnson on Friday evening. I was worried because there was no sign of bluegill or bass. The water was just a little too cold. So we trolled for trout from the canoe and did just fine on the stockers with various leech patterns.

We woke up saturday with low expectations but were pleasantly surprised that the bluegill had moved in to the shore. We worked them over with the fly rods all day long. I was using my new Tenkara rod. I liked everything about it except what to do with the line when moving from place to place. I need to get some line holders. It is very delicate and put the fly down gently with no line on the water. It was a bluegill catching machine.
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Monday I went to Deep Creek with a neighbor/friend. We only stayed a couple of hours each caught 4 trout. Only one of them was big the others were just stockers. So we moved on to Weston. It took a couple hours to find the bass, but we did find them and nailed them on wacky rigged senkos. We also caught a couple on fly rods.
The last stop was Winder. Winder was full of small bluegill. I also caught upwords of 30 small bass 5-12" long on top water poppers. Lots of fun on the Tenkara rod.

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Overall it was a great weekend. I can't wait to get back down there and find the bigger bluegill.

Nice report Windriver! I have been thinking about a camping trip with the family down that way for some bluegill fishing, good for the kids. How was the water levels?
For those that are looking for my videos I decided this year was too much like last year so here is the video if you haven't seen it. The only thing that changed was the Tenkara fishing. I will make a Tenkara video later.

Water levels are a low compared to other years. We could be in trouble in that area.
