05-30-2013, 09:00 AM
Had a buddy invite me to fish a small tx out of HBSP. He&#39;s invited 4 times and I was finally able to make it so I went for it. As is customary for me, the day started with a mishap. Luckily, this one was minor; I broke the tip of one of my jig rods. No biggie, just one last rod to step on in the boat.<br /><br />The wind was a little chilly so I didn&#39;t run far. Started fishing along the left bank coming out of HBSP with no luck. Headed to CFP and struck out there too. Cut across to the sloughs and didn&#39;t get as much as a nibble in the first one. Figured I&#39;d try to use the electronics that I &quot;HAD TO HAVE&quot;. Motored around a bit looking for fish and trying to interpret what I was seeing on my Bird. Found a place where I thought I saw some white marks on my screen with shadows under them. Figured I&#39;d give it a try and tied on a CB. I was able to get a small one to hit it and got it in the boat. Started thinking, oh heck yea, I might just have a chance here. Was able to get another one in the boat, bigger than the first one. I kept working the area but started getting hung on something. After fighting to get my CB back 4 times, I decided to move on. Found another slough that showed the same images and was able to get another shorty in the boat. After that, I just couldn&#39;t get anymore bites. Tried several spots without success. Threw SB, TX rig, SH, jig, and CB. Water was 66 - 69 in the places I fished. Fish were caught in 8-10 FOW.<br /><br />The pleasure boaters, some pretty nice to look at
, were waking the heck out of me so I decided to head in early and get home. Was hoping to avoid the madness at the ramp, but wasn&#39;t completely successful at that either. Overall was a nice day to be out on the water, except for the amount of pleasure boaters that it.<br /><br />If anyone gets out there over the next couple of days, stay safe and carry some Valium, you may need it before the day&#39;s done. lol.<br /><br />Tight lines and stay safe. Happy Memorial Day to all!<br /><br />A big THANK YOU and GOD BLESS to all the men and women of the military.