05-30-2013, 06:36 PM
My third trip to PV. 1st was years ago and I didnt get a bite. 2nd was Memorial day and all my girls scored including 2 Tigers in 2 casts. 3rd was today and I landed My first Tiger. She hit a 5" Chartruse Clouser type Fly on my 10 wt rod. Im pretty sure I'm not going to fish for these babies anymore as I lack the proper tools to release them safely. It was a real strugle to hold the flyrod, fish and pliers in the water at the same time with only 2 hands. Im really sorry for placing the fish on the boat cushion to unhook. I know thats not ideal. She seemed fine after a brief ressusitation boatside. Thanks to all of you who have posted how to catch these beasts, I spent the last 3 days reading every article on the techniques. Jay