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Full Version: MY first Tiger Muskie
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My third trip to PV. 1st was years ago and I didnt get a bite. 2nd was Memorial day and all my girls scored including 2 Tigers in 2 casts. 3rd was today and I landed My first Tiger. She hit a 5" Chartruse Clouser type Fly on my 10 wt rod. Im pretty sure I'm not going to fish for these babies anymore as I lack the proper tools to release them safely. It was a real strugle to hold the flyrod, fish and pliers in the water at the same time with only 2 hands. Im really sorry for placing the fish on the boat cushion to unhook. I know thats not ideal. She seemed fine after a brief ressusitation boatside. Thanks to all of you who have posted how to catch these beasts, I spent the last 3 days reading every article on the techniques. Jay
Very nice and congrats. Also thank you for researching and being prepared. Yep having the equipment makes it safe for you and safe for the fish. Again Congrats on a fish of memories. [Smile][Smile]
Very cool.
Congrats on the musky! Beautiful fish.
well done, 3 trips and 1 muskie them are good odds! Congrats nice tiger by the way!!!
Thanks all. Its been fun. Gonna take a little break from fishing. Time for me to get back on my Mtn Bike and work off these beers Smile
TM on the fly..NICE! Would have liked to watch that set. Good job man.

Also, well done on doing your research first.