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Full Version: Love day brake
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You guys might not believe me cuz I don't have pics but. Today i was at daybrake and I was fishing for blue gills, cought like 50 or so. On caddis drys all day and one time a 14" 1 1/2lb lmb eats my blue gill whole and spits him out, but get this my fly hooked him and I brought him in! No joke! He was only 14" but I saw some in there today that were 18" chasing my blue gills. You guys can say what you want but I am going to walmart and buying them blue gill looking things and going up there with them. I was casting my streamers next to them not Evan a look so me and my brother started hooking blue gill and waiting for the bass to chase them and cast are streamers right next to them but did not work. My dad hook a nice 3lb with a craw fish jig he came off right before he grabbed him. I will take pics next time because I am going to get crap saying I am lieing but I don't care.
I believe you.
I believe you also. Now your task is getting your bluegill imitating lures to fool them. Good luck and have fun!
Just saying its day break.

As well if you saw from the last post you probably wonder why I had a bluegill next to the bass with one hook in the bg and one is the bass hmmm 2 flies makes it a good day.
I wish I was fishing wherever you are that sounds fun!
Daybrake next to the district.
bass are both smart and stupid at the same time...if you use one of those fake bluegil things, it probably wont work. But if you trow a green pumpkin jig with a blue trailer a little chartruesse dye on the tip, those bass will gobble it least that is my experience..they think the jig, which looks like a giant scary spider, is a bluegill and a bluegill swim bait by storm is a chunk of stinky plastic