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Where have the Crappie gone? Has anyone had any luck finding them since Memorial weekend. I fished the spring creek area for four hours last Saturday from 7:30 am to 11:30, all I managed was a decent small mouth bass (see attached picture).

I talked to several people that had caught tons of Crappie over the Memorial weekend in the same spots they were fishing this day, without much success.

There were several boats cruising and casting to the shoreline, I assume for Tiger Muskie, I didn't see any caught.

I have never really fished for crappie, but did catch a couple small ones two years ago ice fishing.
Maybe they are done spawning and dispersed.
I caught plenty of them on Sunday.
I was there this morning and the only crappie I saw was a small one floundering on the surface that became breakfast for a seagull.
The spawn is pretty much over...So you'll gonna have to go out deeper...
Thanks everyone. I may try deeper.