Fishing Forum

Full Version: PSA Westside Cascade Access
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The road from the golf course south around the reservoir is closed. If you are driving to the west side, you will need to take Cabarton Road there at Clear Creek or go in from Donnelly. Or....don't go at all because there ain't no fish over there anyway. [angelic]

Props to the Untangler for busting out the first triple negative of the summer of 2013 and keep in mind the business owners in Cascade depend on our dollars to survive.
how is cascade fishing i am heading up there all next week to do some fishing my family rented a cabin on the lake for the week i will be mostly going for trout and bass
Do you have a boat? If you do you'll be able to find fish. Otherwise, it will hit and miss.
I fish out of a tube and usually target perch but catch quite a few other species, especially smallies that make me think I have the new state record perch because they fight the same way. Having a boat is really going to help you find the trout and bass. PM me if you want to chase some perch.
no boat but i do have a pontoon i thought about bringing up i was going to to try and fish the river too does any one know if big trout come out of the river bellow the dam their at cascade i have caught a lot of smaller planter size but no big ones in the river