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Full Version: newell reel kit
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living here in Utah you don't see much in the way of newell reels so i hoping you guys in CA. can help me out what i'm looking for is newell kit 99 ( i believe ) its known as the albicore special it takes a penn 500 and shrinks it down a little antbody know if they still make this kit and if so where i might get one ? THANX

Hey there aqauman,

I'll try to find out for you from some of the California tackle nuts running around. I bought some of the first Newell reels and worked within a 100 yards of their original factory north of LA. Mr. Newell is a sweetheart. He may be deceased now just not sure.

thanks ron

Hey there aquaman,

The quick answer is that it seems Newell doesn't make the 99 kit anymore but there are 'or were' also similar kits made by both Accurate and Tiburon. Seems it turned your Penn into a Newell 332. I've PM'ed you for further details.

and here is a complete reel with the albacore special 99 kit.

whoops...the links dont work, but you can just copy and paste them into the location bar... i think that is what it is called. the place where you type the websites.

thanks for your effort guys i appreciate it