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Full Version: Oneita Report???
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Has anyone fished Oneita lately? Are the walleye out so you can find them to fish for them? Is the Maple Grove campground full all the time? I'd like to take my family on a little trip before the summer gets away from us and like that spot if I can get in.. Thanks J
This last weekend I was up there and couldnt catch a walleye from the shore. Lots of weeds filling in near the shore. I'm sure in a boat on the edge of the weed line or the normal drops you can pick something up. The camp ground was full when i was there but people were packing up and leaving by the time I was leaving.
Thank you so much for the report. I'm hoping a midweek trip will find a camp spot. Seems like the last time I got around those weeds I caught a bunch of perch. Hope they will still be around. Thanks again. J