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Full Version: Tagged fish in Cascade, $100.
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Went to Cascade again this week end. It was a very productive trip for perch.

I caught and kept 6 on Thursday evening. I had about 2 hours to fish and I spent most of that time playing with my new FF. I missed a lot of fish due to being pre-occupied with the FF.

Friday morning I kept a little over 20, with the smallest ones being around 11 inches. Had one or two that were pushing 16 inches. I never officially taped them, but I'm sure that some of them were over 15 inches. Did a repeat of that on Friday evening, Saturday morning, and then again on Saturday evening. One of the fish I caught on Saturday evening had a tag in it.

I took Sunday off (I don't fish or hunt on Sunday). Monday morning I went out for a few hours to get a few more. I caught a nice perch with two tags in it. One of the tags was worth $100.

Before you flame spray me for keeping so many fish, please rest assured that they will not go to waste. We are having a big family reunion in 2 weeks where we are going to have a fish fry. My wife came from a family of 10 and most of them will be there with their families, so we will have a small army to feed.

Most of the time, the perch were hanging in 9.5-11.5 FOW around the perimeter of weed beds. Shining-pondweed, I believe. I was using either worms, or perch eye for bait, but also caught some on curly tailed crappie jigs (white or chartreuse). A slip-bobber with 2 lead headed jig hooks, the bottom one being about 9.5-10 feet down and the second one about 2 feet above the first was working well for me. I occasionally caught 2 at a time, but that only happened a couple times.

The opened leatherman in the pictures is 8 inches, for reference.
Good haul..... And I am flaming you...... lol....
I have caught tagged trout and steelhead but never heard of perch being tagged, i wonder if they released it that way or if they caught and tagged them
I've never heard of tagged perch before either - maybe someone did catch those perch and tag them and MAYBE that someone also figured out how to make a $100 a weekend. [cool]

This is the same guy who shot a tree with his .45 while I was taking off my waders just to amuse himself. I wouldn't put a little tag counterfeiting beyond him.

Nice job dude. You are now a bonafide professional fisherman!
I tried to convince my wife I could stop working and fish full time, but she says $100 every 40 years just isn't enough.......[frown][frown][frown][frown]
Grats on the tags! And sounds like your gonna need to fight for some of that perch........
I have perch envy. Wish we could catch that quality over my way. Nice haul.