Fishing Forum

Full Version: OK, so I'm a wuss, what would you do?
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No, not what you may have thought, just a fishing report. [Smile] Been wanting to go bassing for some time now. Mantua, mossy, high winds, Pineview- high winds, Idaho High winds, all not good for tubing,
So guess what, looked at the Weeb/club. Very high water. Went anyway, got there about 12:30 and figured if it was bad, I'd just have fun with Sparky. Well, fishing as good as ever. Either I 'm good or it doesn't matter what the water conditions are. Water flow at 401 scfs, highest I've ever fished, and dirty. Left at 2:30/. Used the prince with extra weight drifted thru the deeper high flowing holes. Kept dinner for 2 days, [Wink]

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P.S. Sparky had his fun too retrieving sticks.
Shame on me huh!!!!
Like you I don't like the lakes in these winds, and we've been having some nasty ones. I'd have gone to the river too. Glad you had a good day despite the high water.

Give Sparky an extra pat from us.
Thanks kid!!!!!! [Smile]