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Hitting the Logan river for some fishing this weekend and need a place to camp. Primitive (free[Wink]) is best. Any suggestions? And if you know of a hot fly or two to toss around I wouldn't complain!
I THINK this is the spot... Easier to see it by eye while driving, I've camped here with no problems (officer even came over to say hello and goodnight). It's off the main road too, so not as many cars. Just google search this:


I don't fly fish, so couldn't help ya with the flies. Although maybe one day I'll try it when I have the funds to get me all set up.
The area where the guy indicated the free camping is on Right Hand Fork. The UDWR treated this section of stream with rotenone last fall to remove all fish and will treat it again this fall. There are no fish in this stretch right now. So, you may be able to camp there, but there will be nothing to catch. You'd have to fish the main-stem Logan which is doing well right now on both drys and nymphs. Even some hopper patterns are already working. Just thought you'd want to know. Oh, the treatment is part of a cutthroat trout restoration on the Right Hand Fork and this section should be great fishing in a few years. It will be stocked with cutthroat this fall right after the treatment.
Thanks for the info guys. Hopefully I will have something good to report in a few days.
[quote BearLakeFishGuy]The area where the guy indicated the free camping is on Right Hand Fork. . . . . It will be stocked with cutthroat this fall right after the treatment.[/quote]

I do hope they'll wait a "little bit" before adding new fish! Not sure how fast the weed-killer disappates![shocked]
Hope the results turn out well for the river long term. I'm sure you'll be keeping a close eye.

As for camping - there are the designated camp areas Guineva-Malibu lower down, then the one by Woodcamp. And on up to Tony Grove, or Red Rocks, And Sunshine at the summit if you get that high.

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's designated National Forest, so you can pretty well camp anywhere else that's not posted, or private. Guess it depends on if you're pulling a 5th Wheel, or pitching a tent.
There are a number of simple turnoffs that circle down to the river, then back to the road. Think one's nearish the Cave area. Though I have heard rumor some of those turns have taken a twist - and become hot pickup spots for "alternative" dating. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But - could be all rumors.

There is a section below second dam where you can turn off, and find a number of fire rings and pulloffs. And it's primitive. Only running water is in the river!

Guess it all depends on how far you want to go, and what kind of fishing you want to do. I won't post any GPS coords. But you can pm me questions - I've gotten lost up that way a few times or two.
The "weed killer" is gone within minutes/hours. They simply use another chemical down stream which neutralizes the retonyn.
FYI everything above the Red Banks bridge is still closed to fishing until the 2nd Saturday of July. I've always enjoyed the CC camp/USU field station across from the Tony Grove turn off. Should be good fishing there. Temple Fork is a good area also. use a small pistol pete usually black or olive.
The fish there aren't usually too selective. I mostly just fish a dry dropper on The Logan and do very well. Try a buoyant dry like a Turk's Tarantula with some sort of tungsten head dropper under it. A flashback hare's ear or pheasant tail in a size 16 should work fine. Also, you can try a caddis emerger if they start coming off. It's a fun canyon.