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Was supposed to take some friends to Blacktail Wednesday evening but the thundershowers that had passed through all day had some massive lightning with them. Didn't want to end up a human piece of toast in my little boat. Instead went downtown to the falls with my fly rod. In two hours I landed 6 german browns, 3 cuts, had on a half dozen others. If you haven't ever tried it, it is fly fishing at its rawest form. No strike indicators, no fancy tapered lines. I run a 8lb test, eight foot line off my fly line with a upper fly and a trailer bead head. Biggest brown was 17 inches. You cast upstream, let the force of the water suck you into the lava, it then pulls your line down, and you just let that bounce by in a almost straight up and down pattern. Those fish are snugged up right against that lava. Its a real challenge because you are fishing about 10 feet above the water and there are limited spots to get close to the water and land your fish. One spot I land 3 fish at last night you have to work the fish 50 yards up river, climb down the rocks, and you are still left five feet above the water. You want a real challenge, give it a try.

By the way, fishing is still smoking hot at Ririe, my friends that have a big protected boat braved the showers and lightning, they had three limits of koks and multiple trout.

Happy fishing.
What Falls you talking about? Idaho Falls or American? In the old days before the flood, I went down to the Idaho Falls falls and watched the trout try to go up the falls. It was very cool.
If you are fishing sub surface, I get the no tapered leader. Really no need for it as you are not presenting the fly so to speak in any fashion.

Very cool report
Yep, Idaho Falls, right in the middle of town. It's more of a cast upstream, let the current move it to the edge and suck it down. You can feel it bouncing along the edge of the lava. I need to bring my camera and get some pics. You would be surprised what I get in the middle of town. I think people think, "Middle of town, there is nothing in the middle of town". Just keep thinking that, your missing out!
I fished there and know exactly what you are talking about. There ain't no fish in there[Wink][Smile]
Having grown up there and fished it. There are some big fish every where on the snake through town. Wait till fall when the browns run. Think of all the power houses/ falls that limit how far they can move up river.
Lordy, I watched people catching 30+" Brown out of one power plant.
I have a friend that is in charge of the turbines and he says when they cut back the water to work on those plants the holes in lava will trap huge fish. He has seen browns up to 25lbs., and bows over 10lbs. He even has turned loose a few small sturgeon. That's got to be pretty cool.
Went back over to the falls this evening. First fly out I got an awesome brown trout. It tried every trick in the book, air strikes, shakes, rattles, and roles. For only seventeen inches it gave me all I could handle. Also lander two solid cutthroats, all let go to catch another day. I tried to get a couple of pictures, but as you will see my camera isn't the best. Here they are anyway.
Nice fish. You need a LONG handled net.
[quote Tazasorus]I have a friend that is in charge of the turbines and he says when they cut back the water to work on those plants the holes in lava will trap huge fish. He has seen browns up to 25lbs., and bows over 10lbs. He even has turned loose a few small sturgeon. That's got to be pretty cool.[/quote]

The big boys are in there. Just a few miles up stream when F and G did their surveys last year they shocked a few 30+in browns. I know of several 10lb+ bows that have come out of that area too. Figure lots of food, good cover, highly oxygenated water and you have the recipe to grow some good sized trout. Night fishing with a mouse on top may or may not work down there too.