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Full Version: SS Dirigible Log: Deer Creek June 12&13
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I had a chance to take the tube out for a couple of 2 hour runs yesterday and today. I was on the water both mornings by about 5:45AM and off before 8AM.

Yesterday morning I fished the Rainbow Bay area and found 4 rainbows willing to play... all right out near the buoy line.

All four were between 14 and 15 inches long. Nothing fancy but those Deer Creek trout sure like to fight.

This morning I launched from the Island boat ramp and trolled around the Island. On the far (north) end again I found the 14-15" rainbows.... but toward the end of the trip I caught a very nice 19"- er to take home and grill for dinner.

The wind kicked up HARD around 7:30 and I had an e-ticket ride into the wind around the island until I reached the shelter of the bay near the boat ramp.

The wind subsided a bit as I made it around the island so I thought I'd go ahead and troll a broken-back rainbow that the smallies seem to enjoy -- and yup, two hookups with one just large enough for a good lunch.

The tally for this morning ended up being 8 rainbows (7 cookie-cutter 14-15", and one nice 19") and two SMB.

Here are some pics from both days:
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Were the carp still podded up in the shallows?
I didn't pay much attention to the Carp other than they are hard to miss breaking the water.

It did look like they were jumping at all across the lake though.
Nice job! I agree that those Deer Creek trout are good fighters! I think we saw you reeling in one of those Rainbows this morning. We were fishing from the shore by the island. Looked like a lot of fun!
Were you pretty shallow Trolling? I went up Sunday and had 4 buy 8:15 too 3 on a rainbow cd7. Then on Wednesday and had my limit of bigger ones bye 10:00. I was trolling down 5 colors on lead line though and couldn't get anything yesterday on rapalas? maybe I'm going to deep. I got a nice 18incher but the 19 inch eludes me Ha Ha. Good job.
Here's 3 of weds 4 Fish
[url ""][Image: DeerCreek6-12-2013015_zps48dd4461.jpg][/url] __________________
Yup they were shallow yesterday. After the first few came in on the rainbow I sent a second one deep looking for something bigger than the 14-15" clones.... but nothing.

The big one I caught about 30 feet from the tube while letting out after releasing one of the clones. She came a foot out of the water four times before I had the bail set.

And she took some line before that fight was over.
Thanks, they are so fun to catch as hard as they fight.
I know I am a little early but any reports of walleye yet?

Congrats on your bows!
We caught a Walleye and hooked up another about a month ago on a stormy Saturday. I was considering a night trip tonight but I think I'm going to crash before fishing time.
I had all the poles rigged up trying to leave for a night trip sat at 6Pm and fish till midnight or so but my harness for trailer lights had gotten pinched and nothing worked.
Needless to say I did not make it.