Fishing Forum

Full Version: UDAV Event Update:
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things are coming together very well for this year's event. The National Guard will be there again this year to handle all the cooking. I hear they have a new field kitchen trailer they want to try out for our event. [cool]
We've put calls out for boats to the Rocky Mountain Anglers and the Strawberry Anglers Association recently. We also just got some base wide communication out on Hill AFB for volunteers. This year's key sponsor IM FLASH Technologies, recently featured our event at their All Team Member meetings and there have been quite a few volunteers since.
Boat Update: I've attached the latest boat list and currently we have enough for a max of 65 veterans. We're a little over half way to our goal of enough room to handle 100 veterans. Please review the list and let me know if I've left anyone off.
We're going to focus this year on improving getting the veterans into the boats and getting them out fishing. We'll hold the flag raising ceremony at the beginning of our BBQ event to help facilitate this. We are continuously looking to improve this event and thank you all for your dedication.