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Full Version: what to use for a BIG brown??
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I've got a coupleof very large browns (8-10 pounds)spotted but I can't seem to get them to bite, only chase... and the times they have chased is when I've been reeling in 8-12 bows! So what is your guys best tactic to get big browns?? They are in a dam ,not a river (don't ask where cause I won't tell you haha) any help would be appreciated, I'd love to catch one of these big guys and show you all a pic!
Sex Dungeon, Butt Monkey, Circus Peanut. 8 - 10 lb Brown are going to be awesome. I've seen 28+" brown out of a diversion dam in Idaho in that 8 to 10 so can't wait to see how you do!
Streamers! That the best way to get the big guys to come out...
sex dungeon, butt monkey, zoo cougar, meat whistle
this post is getting dirty!
LOL! Fly porno[shocked]
A crawfish imitation or imitations of the other species of fish in that water. A frog pattern.
Night time and a MOUSE![Wink]
Tie up a big old six - eight inch long rainbow trout streamer. Make sure to put a stinger in it cause a fly that long he will likely hit in the middle so you want to be able to actually hook it when it hits.