I've got a coupleof very large browns (8-10 pounds)spotted but I can't seem to get them to bite, only chase... and the times they have chased is when I've been reeling in 8-12 inch bows! So what is your guys best tactic to get big browns?? They are in a dam ,not a river (don't ask where cause I won't tell you haha) any help would be appreciated, I'd love to catch one of these big guys and show you all a pic!
Remember you're going after the biggest fishy in the brook or damn..... so you have to think of what they will eat naturally --- and that is MEAT... Live Fishies!!
I'd try something like this [url "http://www.slammertackle.com/crankbaits.htm"]http://www.slammertackle.com/crankbaits.htm[/url]
and go early in the morning or a late in the evening.
Of course large Rapala's are another choice as well as AC Plugs
Good Luck
I've tried my castaic rainbow swimmer a lot, about as real as it gets! Ha and believe me I've thought about using live fish, but using I've rainbows is illegal..... haha
Asking for information but refusing to give any haha.
You might want to try a whole minnow (dead of course).
[quote Jordanporritt]Asking for information but refusing to give any haha.[/quote]
Yessir, at least you can read, if your not gonna comment something helpful, why comment at all??
I may try the minnow, would you think just slowly reel it in or jig it maybe? Or any ideas to get some good action on it?
Lol I was just messing with ya, relax.
I would try, fast, slow, bouncing and anything else that might work early or late (even after dark).
According to the TV the Banjo Minnow will catch everything in every body of water. [

Sorry I couldn't resist. [fishin]
Try some 6 or 4 lb florocarbon line.
Tie on a #1 or # 2 light wire hook, with no weight, not even a split shot.
Cut about a one inch chunk right out of the middle of an anchovy.
Sneak up to where you think they hang.
Make a light cast, pull plenty of slack off the spool, and leave the bail open.
Then be still. and quiet, with plenty of patience.
Haha damn, if I only could remember the number from the infomercial!! [

Big fish like Big meals. Fish at night.
That's the best part Cabelas has them in their online bargin cave for about ten bucks for the kit.[

The others have gave you some great advice. Good Luck.
May be you should try something small, I have got lots of browns on a 3" gulp minnow drop shot..
If you want more INFO on how to rig it and fish it send me a PM..Good luck.
First get a 5 gallon bucket and put a large spoonful of peanut butter in the bottom. Set it somewhere where mice live and make an accessible plank that comes out half way across it. Wait til you get a mouse or two (or go buy a few at the pet store for your 'pet snake' named brownie. Go down to your hole at night with a buddy making sure not to even cast a shadow over the water. Hook one of your mice on live with no weight, swivel, or anything. Then give it to your buddy and have him carefully walk to the other side of the hole and release it on the edge of the water. When he starts swimming keep the line just tight enough he has to come across the hole, best to not even let your line be touching the water if possible. Then wait for the monster to explode on it. Even a 20" brown will eat a mouse though, so you may have to upgrade to larger bait, jackrabbits etc..
Thanks for all help guys!
Your 10 lb browns are probably carp. Throw some bread on a hook and go wild.
[quote FishMcFisherson]Your 10 lb browns are probably carp. Throw some bread on a hook and go wild.[/quote]
There are no carp in the body of water, and carp don't chase rainbows and try and eat them. [#0000BF]Deleted[/#0000BF]
Carp are in every body of water, and will eat anything.