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Full Version: Mantua Chase 6_15
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Met up with Lavaman and headed over to Mantua, managed to sneak past Barney and got on the lake pretty early, but we were not the first.

Poked around a bit, and quickly decided we were probably two weeks late for the good gill-beds. So we bookied over to the Knoll, and worked north to a corner out of the wind. It was a breeze morning, sorry- who ordered that! Thought the front had already come and chilled.
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So we worked the shoreline looking for bedded bass and gills. Found a few unwilling participants. They were slurping the surface, and plenty schools of pestery younglings that stare and taunt, occasionally tug, but just wasn't getting the love.

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Tried some bigger nastier offers to piss off some big bass, but even that wasn't working. Finally got one to suck up a wacky gulp worm offer. Score on the baitcaster! 10 birdsnest, one nail, I'm still learning!
Kept bobbing and pitching, and working along the shorline. We saw a trail-crew hard at it picking their way up the hillside. Go Team!

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We switched up patterns, and switched some more, then I finally settle on a triple threat that seemed to allow the "selective harvest" notion of nabbing the big gills that were surrounded by the multitude of pestery little gills. So - game on. Pick and pack! Hauled in a load of peckers over the course, but did manage to select out a few nice ones to chill out.

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Had one decent bass, and a few other basslings that took to the game. We shifted and pitched, shifted and pitched. At one point a gurgle gurdle POOF went off as a pipe opened, and some "sweet fresh" water entered the lake. Caught us by surprise. Wonder what the fish think?
Landed one perch, so short of the trout, almost nailed the full "set" for Mantua. Though I'm told the slimers include Bow, Cuts, and Tigers, oh my. Might have to actually try. We did drag some spoons and spinners, and I had a line pull tugs. Thought I'd nailed a wad of weeds, only to find a teen bass on the line. Not what I'd expect on a troll.

Ok - so there seems to be a MAJOR die off of Bluegill. We saw nice sized gills floating belly up all over - the edges, the middle. Stanky! Have to wonder - did someone drop something nasty in there? Does it affect the fish that remain? At frst I thought "bad releases" but, we saw several nice sized gills swimming, on their last fin. Fungus like growth on mouth, dorsal, side. Seemed like they were decaying before the died. Never seen that, not a good sign.
Anyone know anything?
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Thanks to Lava for dragging me away from the kitties, and for snapping some shots to share.
Oh, and we spied a footlong Painted Turtle swimming along. That was a surprise! 'Sup with THAT!
Funny thing is I just posted a topic asking about Mantua. Well shoot I guess it aint worth the drive, better go chase some fish in the mountains tomorrow. Thanks for the report CYS.
Looks like fun. Were there still some gills on beds?
The DWR shocked the lake, it sucks, but helps out later Sad I did hear they found a 4lb tiger trout with a blue gill in it's mouth. We managed a few bass and one keeper gill and two nice rainbows. The holding pond is good for some smallish bass if you can keep out of the scum. Fish with a worm and bobber right at the edge of the weed beds back there and you'll catch something every time.
Big dead male blues have been all over for about 3 weeks now. Not sure what happened to them. Not good that you are seeing more topple over. Must be some kinda bluegill plague. I sure hope it stops.
shocked it how? As in poison, or electro?

Was is because of the bluegill plague, or the cause of it? Is there news on the DWR site?

Is it safe to eat fish from there?

Inquiring minds wanna know....

There were some gills on beds, but seems like they are mostly done from what I've observed past years, better timing. Lots of schools of little ones, but hard to find the bigger ones below.

I'd say I caught alot of fish, but not a lot of quality. But nice to get out all the same.
Guy said electro. They picked up all the bass and trout, but too many blue gill. I could see a few gills still bedded down but they were picky at best.
That is real disturbing about what you posted on the blues, dead, dying, fungus?, WOW. Please, please, someone who has more info. on this, post up!!!! [frown] I was considering trying for some base there in the near future, but now? Worrisome!!!!
[#0000FF]There was a chemical treatment of the lake to reduce weed growth in some parts of Mantua last year. When the weeds died...and decomposed...that changed the water chemistry. Some folks noticed a definite increase in suspended algae in the lake, with decreased visibility. Some forms of algae also have toxic effects on fish and invertebrates.

I haven't seen the affected bluegills but based upon the info previously given it sounds like they are developing fungus ailments...and the fungus is the type (like ick) that forms when a combination of water temps, water chemistry and fish stress all combine to weaken the immune systems of the fish. If large numbers of the bluegills were shocked during the surveys...and if the water was too warm...that could account for some of the stress and mortality.

Unless the problem is all around the lake, there is not likely to be a big hit in the overall health of the lake or the basic population of any given species. We never like to see dead fish but Mantua can tolerate some thinnin' of the herd.
We've fished there a few times in the last weeks and noticed the floaters too. We also saw a few 'dazed' gills swimming nowhere in particular, not noticing a worm plopped on top of it. They also has some kind of fungal looking growth on their bodies. I've seen a similar looking ailment on another bass forum. here is a link from that discussion.

Not sure if that is what the bluegill have, but it reminded me of it.

Aside from trolling, we've only been able to pull dinks using worms, jigs, cranks near the shore. Wonder if things will get better at Mantua this summer? Or if we just need more practice[Wink]