I started fishing around 8:00 Saturday evening upstream of Steck Park. I kept lines in the water overnight and fished until about 9:00 Sunday morning. I ended up with 2 small catfish and 5 missed strikes. I guess I need to find better rod holders that allow me to react faster to strikes. Some of those bites were very hard, I don't know how I missed.
The water level is still very high and there is still quite a bit of driftwood floating around. The water seemed dirtier than a couple weeks ago. Water surface temperature was around 70.
Would circle hooks help?
I use 2/0 or 3/0 circle hooks and I think its much easier.
I never set the hook. By the time the pole starts bending, they're already hooked up. I've caught about 25 this spring, all hooked in the corner of the mouth, and have only had one come off.
For my setup, I use a 1 oz egg sinker, (sometimes a bead) snap swivel hooked to a premade leader that I make at home out of a 2/0 or 3/0 circle hook, about 12 inches of 30 lb braid to a barrel swivel. I make a handful of them at home and then all I do is snap the swivel to the barrel swivel and I'm ready to go.
I'm no expert, but some guys on here gave me some advise and this is what has worked for me so far.
I use the same setup and it seems to work good...when they are biting. I got skunked on Map Rock Road Friday night. Stayed till about 11pm with no bites..just the occasional clean up of weeds accumulating on my line. Lots of carp out there, at least that was something to watch while I was sitting there with a couple kiddos...they thought it was entertaining.
Is anyone having any luck between Walter's Ferry north along Map Rock Road? I had never been so I thought I'd try it out for the heck of it....wasn't impressed with my first outing.
I fish just south (up stream) of there on my father in laws place.
I do pretty well for bank fishing. Well, good for me anyway, I usually catch 4 or 5 in a couple hours. I've been catching several in the 28-30 inch range.
There has been 266 people look at this Thread. Giving names is not a real good idea unless you want a bunch of people in your spot. Ron
well he said he got skunked there, so I know I'm gonna be on it! Be sure of that. I'll be the guy with the BFT hat on.
Oh, and I'll have lots of trash to leave. You can be sure.
Sowing the seeds of chaos!
I fish on private property, so I'm not terribly worried about people getting into my spot.
Also, my father in law gets pretty crotchety about people on his property, so he's got it on lockdown.
There are a couple improved places to fish along map rock and I've never done well at any of them. And people do leave a lot of trash in those areas.
Skunked is BFT code for awesome. haha!
You know, about the #1 piece of trash I've been finding aside from the usual stuff are these Fuse juice bottles. Is there something I don't know about these things? Are they that delicious? I haven't bought one out of principal... that and they're $3.
Sorry to hear Paul that you haven't gotten into many cats lately. June's always been an odd month for me there. I don't know if its the spawning or what... people up there swear by those dang crickets. I usually use fresh cutbait. I think you had posted earlier in the month about the slow fishing too, maybe its the water level fluctuating. I would think those cats would like the high water flooding some of those muddy flats out there.
Hope to see a report soon of you slaying them!
I have to agree on the trash, anywhere I've gone along the Snake catfishing the trash is ridiculous. Lots of it is left over bait too...either in jars or containers. People throw their plastic garbage in the fire pit they had.
You found me out...skunked is a code word, you should go down there and try it out...I find that the best fishing is after midnight! [

cpierce, FemoralArchery - Thanks for the tip on circle hooks. You might be onto something there. A couple weeks ago I took a friend for his first catfish trip. He was using circle hooks and missed fewer strikes than I did. I have been leaving the reel open so the fish can take line out. That's what seemed to work well for me in the past with standard hooks. Next time I'll use big circle hooks and lock the reel.
idfishnhunt, I fished that section a few times a long time ago. I never caught anything but a little carp. These days, a lot of that stretch is so full of weeds in the summer it is hard to find a place to cast.
Nick1983, Thanks. I have had trouble recently - like since 1997! haha. The last time I had a good catfish trip was as a guest up at Brownlee several years ago. It wasn't until last year that I dusted off the cat gear and started trying to remember what I used to do. I have used frozen bluegill this year, since I haven't had time to go catch the bait right before catfishing. I agree, I figured the cats would be loving the flooded flats and cover. A lot of trees and shrubs were flooded 7-9' deep.
idahoron - is "upstream of Steck" too specific?
I agree with all the comments about trash, and it's not just on the Snake. I found a firepit full of trash, along with more trash along the shore at Anderson Ranch earlier this year.
[quote ID_Paul]
idahoron - is "upstream of Steck" too specific?
Nope, but I was reminding the others that were getting more specific, Your fine.
I think your problem is several. I will PM you. Ron
Well, I went to my secret spot and expected to find a bunch of spot poachers there!!
Just kidding. There wern't any, nor were there any catfish.
I bet the river dropped about 3 feet since I was there a few weeks ago. I can see the bottom of the river from my bank to the island on the other side of the channel.
Lots and lots of carp in the moss/weedbeds. The water is clear and shallow.
I might be putting the cat rod away and getting the carp bow out.
"There has been 266 people look at this Thread. Giving names is not a real good idea unless you want a bunch of people in your spot". Ron
If you need old timers help. Ask a Local. Turners is always open. Been around for years. If they cannot help you up front. Go to the back.
Oh yeah, that is a secret spot too.

Smokey Davis might smoke your fish.