Fishing Forum

Full Version: First Fish Panic!
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When my boyfriend and I first started dating more than 2 years ago, he took me fishing because it was/still is what he lives and breathes. We were at Willow Pond in Taylorsville. I was getting really cold, so like the gentleman that he was (at the time) he went to the car to get my jacket. Well all of the sudden I saw the fishing rod bending and wasn't sure what to do. My boyfriend was across the pond and could not coach me through it. I panicked a little [shocked] but then I grabbed the rod, took a deep breath, set the hook, and reeled in my first fish. It was a good size catfish. The adrenaline rush is something that I'll never forget. My boyfriend spotted me from across the pond. I hope he was proud me.
That's a good story. My son had a similar experience. Needed to get something from the vehicle so I left him alone for a while, I saw him struggled a bit but he managed to get a good catch too.