This may be my biggest bass ever, I caught it Friday on a frog, there is nothing like the explosion of a monster bass taking down kermit the frog

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What a pig! Nice job.
Awesome bass! There's nothing like a top water bite
Sweet! I fished a frog Saturday too with no love

did catch a nice chunk on a jerk bait just before dark tough fishing for me but anytime at ut lake is a reward!!
That is a nice looking fish. You are making other Bass fisherman jeaolous. Did you get any measurements on it?
I used my rod and marked it, measured when I got home around 22 inches. Girth was harder to determine but she was fat and thick ha ha...I guess between 5 and 3/4 and 6 lb...I will never know for sure, but when I reached deep down her gullet to remove the frog with my big ole mitts and it fit in there, that is pretty special

Nice bucketmouth there UVUbass, ive been frogging it a little lately and have got some nice ones but that is just a beast.
Id take that gift for fathers day anyday.[fishin]
now thats a tank! nice fish buddy