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Full Version: Toonin with my son
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Just spent a couple of days with my son up in the Uinta Mountains. Stayed at one of the USFS campgrounds and hit the lakes in the area. Since he turned 12 I decided to bequeath one of my toons to him. I wasn't using it and it turned out to be one of my better ideas. He took to it like a fish in the water.

Day 1: After setting up camp we decided to do a little bank tangling at Teapot and had some luck. I landed a nice 13" tiger trout. Also gave us a feeling for how the weather would act. The wind was blowing on and off all evening.

Day 2: We decided to hit Trial Lake with the toons, after breakfast we were able to launch at 9:30. My son took off and was all over the lake learning how to handle his new ride. When I launched it only was a short time before I hooked into my first little rainbow. I hooked into a couple more before the big blow hit. I did have several hit and runs but since the fish were rather inexperienced they couldn't hold on. We spent several hours on the lake dragging woolly buggers and other flies and spoons around. I finally had to power up my motor and go rescue my son who got blown out to the far side of the lake. While towing him back in he hooked into a couple of bows on his fly rod. After getting back to shore we found a school of fish close to where we launched and harassed them for a while. I hooked into a tiger trout and another nice bow on dry flies while my son used his woolly bugger. Total count of fish We tied at 5 each. Not bad for a quick trip to the mountains for us. Now to plan a nother trip similar to this and maybe hit mty favorite lake up there. Mirror!!!

We ended the day with a little target practice after my son stated he was fished out for the day.

Heres the pics!
Very nice, those are memories for the both of you that will last a lifetime.Thank's for sharring.

He has always enjoyed float tubing and he took right to the toon and it was hard to keep up with him. After this trip I think we will have many more.
Sounds like it was a great day albinotrout. My son and I have lots of days like that too but he hates it when I break out the camera.
Yeah he loved it. This week my daughter wants to go out.