Fishing Forum

Full Version: ChooChooSnakeMan, Chickamauga, Bass, 6/14 & 6/15, Jordan
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I got out with my son-in-law Jordan on Friday evening for a few hours. We put in at HBSP and ran down to the dam. They were spilling so fishing the intakes was not an option. We fished some nearby riprap and managed 4 small bass on finesse worms. Next we moved to a deep water slough just off the main channel and I put a 3 3/4 lb largemouth in the boat. We then moved to fish some grass edges in Harrison Bay but the wind was just too much. We managed to catch 3 more small bass and called it a day. It was a beautiful evening except for all the wind. Water temps ranged from 77 to 80 degrees. We fished finesse worms, spinner baits, swim baits but only caught fish on the worm in 4' to 8' depths. I enjoyed getting out with Jordan, it was our first trip this year and his first time in the Lowe Stinger.<br /><br />The next day on Saturday I got out for a while with my wife just enjoying the great weather. I really hadn't planned on fishing but we were anchored just off a great looking blowdown in Harrison Bay with some shade on it. I told her I bet there was a bass hanging out there and made a cast with a 6" finesse worm. Felt the tap-tap and saw the line moving off. I landed a nice fat large mouth that weighed exactly 4 lbs on my new scales (thanks Jordan!). Catching that fish was a nice bonus to a great day on the water with my better half. I'm looking forward to the next CFF event. Everyone be careful on the water, especially the weekends. It is unreal how many boats are on our lakes. I counted no less than 30 boats sitting in the slough we were in on Saturday and there is no telling how many more boats and jet skies were running around.