Cabelas has these onsale for 69.00. Anybody have any experience or input on these rods??
I have the pursuit reel on my six weight and so far it has been a great reel. A friend of mine however said he had one and it busted after a few months. As far as the rod goes i have learned you cant expect a lot with these intro rods/reels . I imagine though its a good rod. Nothing fancy but it will cast a fly just fine. I started out with a redington crosswater ( I think i paid $80) and fished the crap out of it for 4 years then i gifted it to my mom and she still uses it today. For $69 I would say why not?
I concur.. the pursuit is a good rod. I would recommend getting a 5-6wt and using it for streamers. It may not have the finesse you want to throw dries.
Thanks maybe I get a big one for streamers! One more question what's a good 3 wt. rod 100 or less? I have been eyeballing the compass would that be my best bet??
I don't think they make a 3wt compass... Unless I'm missing something, I don't see that option online. However I have the 4 weight and I love it. I have used it to fish big cottonwood as well as throw a weighted nymph rig on the weber. Great rod for the price!
Oh snap for some reason I thought I saw a 3 wt ha ha but your right. Ya I have only had 5 wt - 7 wt rods. So I wanted to try something smaller. But maybe Ill still get the 4[

Check out Greys also for that 3 wt. But the compass in a 4 would be very nice. I fished the snake this week concentration was on using four weights but I tried the 5 wt boo too. If you could afford it, the new Allen's ICON is such a fantastic stick. I also used my 6'6" Cabelas.[

Well when you decide lets hit the river together! I need more fishing buddies...
You got it for sure.
I'll hit the river with ya [

] I can always use new fishin buddies. I have Tuesday off.
Hey, Okuma has a 3/4 for $59.
Dang I work on Tuesday... I may head out wed. Sunday is usually my best day. Send me a pm anytime you want to get out!
Thanks. I'll go look
I have a Redington Pursuit reel and have no complaints. It is my reel for stillwater fly fishing
I have the persuit in the 3wt and love it. Used it on the weber for nymphs as well as the logan for dries. Cant complain for the price either.
I got one yesterday it's amazing !!!!!!