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Hello everyone! First time poster, long time reader here. I wanted to see if my new friends can give me information on where to go on the Berry River. I know you can go below the dam as well as I believe you can go north of the dam across the road there is a turn off for Straberry river that is a dirt road. I didn't know if that is very good for fishing, or if I should stick to below the dam. If you could let me know what your experience is that would be great. I may go camping up there next week and wanted to get the 411.

Thanks and keep up the great posts!
Check the proclamation, most strawberry resevoir tribs are closed for cutt spawn for about 2 more weeks. Fishing when open is mostly smaller trout. Maybe an occasional 12-16 incher especially in beaver dams. Once in a great while you can still find cutts into the mid 20s right before or after the spawning closure. They hit small midges nymphs then scream downstream in a couple CFS of water. If you don't want to bother the rare spawners present when open for fishing they seem to ignore all flies but 18-22 midge nymphs. C&R only I believe. Again check the proclamation but probable need to fish below if going soon.