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You know it's hot in the valley when your fishing day is ended at noon by the Power Squadron showing up....

At Strawberry.

The Soldier Creek side was full of wake demons yesterday afternoon.
That just simply isn't right. I once saw some at Electric Lake, that really disgusted me, though I guess that's what I get for going up there over the 4th of July weekend.
Global warming is affecting everyone, there was even a group up at Fishlake making wakes last weekend.
im still new here so...
what are you referring to as "power squadron"?
Dumb a**s water skiers and wakeboarders who have no regard for fisherman, who run close to trollers, tubers, and toons;. Who throw gigantic wakes on shore fisherman, run their boats close to shore even though the whole mid part of the lake if flat calm and has no one around !!!
[quote MasterDaad]You know it's hot in the valley when your fishing day is ended at noon by the Power Squadron showing up....

At Strawberry.

The Soldier Creek side was full of wake demons yesterday afternoon.[/quote]

Sadly you need to be there before 6:00 AM and fish until noon or you wasted your day!

[Image: bobmad.gif]

[quote Therapist]Dumb a**s water skiers and wakeboarders who have no regard for fisherman, who run close to trollers, tubers, and toons;. Who throw gigantic wakes on shore fisherman, run their boats close to shore even though the whole mid part of the lake if flat calm and has no one around !!![/quote]

AMEN! My sentiments exactly....Just two weeks ago I was up at Jordanelle fishing the shallows (right next to the rock cliff wakeless area in fact) and some a**hole was within 35 ft of me pulling a skier at full throttle, not once but maybe 10 times, one mistake and that skier is injured/dead.
Fortunately we did begin our day at 6AM.... so we were able to land our 50+ fish before noon.

The fishing is still great up there.

I'm headed up again tomorrow early!
I hate those skiers. They have no respect for others.
In my younger days I was a skier. Pretty good to[Wink] We did concentrate on lakes that were popular for that kind of thing like Pineview, Utah Lake, Echo. Never thought of Strawberry because it was always cooler there.
We would fish early, then ski in the afternoon then fish in the evening.
I am waiting to see the first skier and wave runner on Henry's Lake[mad]
Lakes are usually big enough that you can stay in one area to either fish or ski, and not infringe on each other.
But, respect has pretty much gone out the window and witnessed in everything in life these days.
Not sticking up for skiers and specially wave runners, but, the fishing population has spread out as well.

It is only going to get worse on both ends.
Thankfully there are 1,000 high mountain lakes[Smile]
I hear ya I was at Jordanelle Rock Cliff side last weekend. Was anchored up just inside of the furthest buoy. There were only a couple angerls on the lake then Power squad came flying in. 1 boat 3 boats 6 boats was like 5th fleet came roaring in. Didnt see any of them fishing just sitting there then the boats with the towables came roaring in and lastly the wave runners....

For some odd reason all the boats anchored in righ near me.

I dont get it lots of places on that lake to stop and take a break. One guy even attached his anchor to one of the buoys .... As I was rowing away I think I counded 10+ boats just near me, snapped pic
WOW.....since when has Strawberry been fishing only gents?
I am a proud member of the so called squadron and in my opinion the narrows are one of the best places to ski!
I do have to say though I do not do some of the stupid things allot of other boats do....I am always safe.
Just my two cents.

[quote gonelkin]WOW.....since when has Strawberry been fishing only gents?
I am a proud member of the so called squadron and in my opinion the narrows are one of the best places to ski!
I do have to say though I do not do some of the stupid things allot of other boats do....I am always safe.
Just my two cents.

HIT IT[/quote]
The problem is, and you can take it however you want to, water skiers and PWC riders have a lot of fun on the water. And they forget what the rules are. Buzzing shore fishermen, boat fishermen, float tubers and 'tooners seem to be part of the game for young and middle age skiers and operators and PWC operators. Buy a wave runner or get a ski boat add some H2o and you get instant a-hole.
What 150' rule?
I've seen it for years. We owned ski boats years ago and saw it then. Fish now and still see it. As mentioned before, Jordanelle- Rock Cliffs- wakeless only. EXCEPT FOR WAVE RUNNERS AND SKIERS. Been there, saw it, reported it. Big cheer from the anchored boats and fishermen when the hilljacks got busted. Again it doesn't happen all the time, but it happens too often. There are also fishermen in high powered boats that also have no idea what 150' wakeless is.
There is a lot of courteous skiers/operators and PWC operators, but one seldom remembers the well mannered ones.
Most skiers and wakeboarders probably have no idea what effect their wake has on fisherman. I ran a wakeboard boat down at Deer Creek one year and let him know that running his boat 50 yds off the shore was not cool. He actually apologized and moved out into the main part of the lake. I later talked to him on the ramp, interested in how such a small boat could throw such a large wake. He explained that he had 600 gal. tanks in each side of his rig, that when filled with water gave them the ability to throw a huge wake.

I still have never had anyone explain why the best sking and boarding water is within 50 ft of the shore, especially when the whole rest of the lake is flat and calm. They don't seem to realize that when they are close to the shore, the rebound will keep things all stirred up. So explain why the narrows of any lake is the best place to ski/board ???
For me it was a visual thing. Just like when we could run the canals at the Gorge. It is a rush skiing close to those walls.
And I do agree, most have no idea what effect they are causing. Kinda have to be on both sides of that coin to understand. But, there are thee inconsiderate A's that could care less. I find boats gunning it in the 50' to 100' area more and more.
And some that think there is a speed for wakeless. I have heard some say "I was doing like 10", but the design of their boat or the trim threw enormous wakes.
Wakeless means no trail behind your boat and whatever that takes to achieve that.
I love to waterski also. In fact for me fishing is a new thing; I've loved waterskiing all my life and still do.

But as has been mentioned here, there are far too many people who do not know how to keep distances with a boat.... they think they are driving a car.

The worst tend to be the waverunner crowd. I've had waverunners follow 30' behind us pulling skiers. I've had them buzz our houseboat. And, like Saturday, I've had them run right behind my trolling boat.

Finally, when I want to fish I don't want power boats running up and down the lake. And I come here to complain about it.

I don't, however, expect anyone to make waterskiing illegal on Strawberry.

One of my favorite places to ski and fish I'll be hitting in two weeks (with the fishing gear too): Lake Powell

[inline "Darren Waterskiing Lake Powell Aug 2012.jpg"]
The problem is there is no training needed to launch, drive or load a boat. That should change, teenagers/kids can't drive a car yet, but they are turned loose on a lake. There are always dumbasses on lakes and on snow.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against water skiers, PWC's, etc. but please have some freaking respect for those around you sharing the same resource! I can guarantee you they wouldn't like it if I was just cruising along and stopped dead in front of them at 50 yards when they are towing a skier at full throttle wouldn't piss them off, or some other idiot thing that would cause a safety issue. I'm sorry, but safety first in my boat, not death due to stupidity.
I do not want to start a fight or anything but to say the power squadron is out puts all waverunner and power boat operators in the same catagory and that is not a fair statement.I am a very avid water skier and also do my fair share of fishing...all from the same boat.
I do have to say that I do it by the law and have to agree that there is allot of folks out there that when they get out on the water it is like their brain shuts off ? I have on several occassions chased down waverunners and other boats to let them know what 150' looks like.
But I must also add that I have had a troller wrap my ski rope in his trolling motor with my flag still up so not only do the power squadron have ill-trained operators ,so do the under-powered squadron.
And I will continue to shred the flat water when and where I can find it even if it is in the narrows of Strawberry.
Ya, both sides of the coin on this issue, I love wakeboarding and tubing.....but I am a responsible adult (man does that hurt to say), but I also like to fish, when I am out in the fishing boat the power squadron does not bother me because I enjoy that type of boating also, now if you happen to run to close to me (dangerously close).....well my powers extend statewide [Wink]
Thats the thing is seems like there just more rude people now. I dont whats changed maybe its the new trend IDK... As a kid my dad took the boat out we wake boarded and fished but we never got close to others and respected other peoples space.

Ive been shore fish only to have water skiers and waver runners buz our lines. Ive been out in the toon only to have boats crank there engines not 50 feet from me and leave a 3 or 4 foot wake.

The other weekend at jordanelle was the pinnicle I have yet to have a boat come between me and the shore I think I was maybe floating 50 feet from the shore and this guys drive right were im casting .... I mean what woul dhave been so hard to turn the whell and drive toward the middle of the lake .... just baffled.