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Full Version: Our Uinta's trip
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Every year I take my son fishing for his birthday.
Well this year he mentioned the Uinta's, so we made a backpacking trip up to the high country. This was his first backpacking trip, and my first in about 20+ years. we didn't go in too far, but found a nice place to camp and caught plenty of fish to satisfy his thirst. Until this trip he had only managed 2 fish on a fly rod. By the time we left he had caught 19 on the fly rod and 8 more on a spinning rod (6 of those were Grayling).

I'll post up some pics later, but over all it was a fun trip. He liked everything about the trip, except the part where he fell in and had to walk around the camp barefoot, and in his undies while his clothes dried next to the fire.

Thanks for the help to those of you who replied to my PM's.
We were up there yesterday as well. Beautiful.
That is sounds like a fantastic bonding trip. Grayling are so awesome.
Did you get drenched? Coming home was brutal.
We actually came home on the 3rd, I am just slow at posting my report. We never got rained on, but it was looking pretty bad when we were headed home. Glad you had a good trip. I hope to get back up there again soon.

Cool report. Can't wait to see your pictures. We went up the other day too and my boy fell in. Luckily I brought an extra shirt!!! Ain't having fun unless someone falls in, right?

What did you catch them on with your fly rod? We did good with black buggers.
