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Full Version: So Cal Report 7-12-13
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Thought I'd let ya know the lessons I learned and report a few results. First off BeermaN, I'm eating a little crow tonight. We went out on the New Seaforth AM half day this morning with my nephew, father-in-law, bro-in-law and his Dad. We took our own rods set up ready to go. One had 10 lb test, a bit too light for these fish, but it did work okay. Anyway, they are fishing a sand bar in Mexico right now, it took about an hour and a half to get there. We were on the fastest boat in the fleet, so even though we left a half hour later we passed the San Diego before we got into Mexico waters. We were one of the first boats on the bar, so the captain cruised a little till he found a good pocket of fish. Unlike other boats that dropped anchor as soon as they hit the bar. Anyway, they chummed heavily in a circle then stirred it up well with the props and before we got the call to put in the fish were boiling up almost to the surface, it was crazy. Well everyone went in and the catching began. Unfortunately there were so many folks on the boat we were constantly tangled or baiting or fixing malfunctioning equipment or I guess I should say I was. The deck hands were so busy we didn't get a bit of help from them so I became the deck hand for our group so I hardly got a line in the water. I ended up landing one fish, a small one maybe 2 - 3 lbs. the rest of our group got 2-4 sand bass each before they shut us down and said we limited. This took about 1/2 hour. I didn't know they let other people catch your fish, I would have been less helpful and made the crew do something for their tips. Anyway some sand bass went up to 8 lbs today. Knowing what I do now, I should have used bait, they really nailed it, my swim bait not so much and I couldn't keep them hooked so I lost two or three. Although its fun to go with a big group, make sure you're not the only one that can fix stuff, at least if you plan on fishing much. We took home five filleted fish each and had a great feast, they are very mild tasty fish. Anyway we had 40 - 50 people on the boat and limited before any other boats, so we went and tried yellows but only got a few mackerel then they slow cruised back in. I wish they would have let us fish longer, I don't think we fished an hour total. Anyway the capt. And crew sure know their game it's a fun trip for not too much money. I'd be smarter next time. Later J
Checked the report, there were 50 anglers on the boat today for 250 Sand Bass. Second trip limited as well, it's really hot fishing now. Lots of current in the ocean today. Later J
Glad you are gettin some. The boat I recomended (The Penetrator) was a six pack boat. It is a different type of trip but much more expensive as there are only six anglers or so on the boat and it goes overnight into Mexico offshore waters. Sand bass are fun and tasty. Enjoy.
Glad you caught some fish.
You never really know what or where you'll fish unless you're on the docks or know someone who is. Go try it again soon. Maybe a 3/4 day boat or overnight.
Someday I'd love to try a six pack, but for now I'm lucky to get on the half day cattle cars. Thanks for the recommendation though, I appreciate it.
Those other trips sure sounded fun, I'd love to try the tuna trips. One day I hope to. Oh one thing I forgot to mention, is the Dramamine worked great for me, other than after it wore off I got so tired I could hardly keep going. Don't know if that was the pill or 3:30 AM wake up time, but watching the guy in a kilt on the boat get sick sure made me glad I took the pills. Anyway thanks for the tips and next time I'll be asking again. Thanks J
Great that you got out on the Sea,caught fish, and didnt get green. Getting tired is pretty much standard issue when out there all day. I grew up fishing offshore in Hatteras, NC and never used to get sea sick. Now that I live 2000 miles from my boat, I tend to go offshore after flying and driving all night to make it there by sunrise. Add the bad coffee, triangle sandwiches and smelly bait and I sometimes get green after the 2 hrs of pounding boat ride to the gulfstream. Recently I started taking Ondansetron (Zofran) 8mg prior to launch. It really has saved me without so much drowsiness. Ask your Dr. for some. Its not indicated for motion sickness but it works as this pharmacist can attest.
Thanks for the tip, as often as I get to go, the Dramamine is fine. But I sure did feel tired. Hope I can do this again soon so I can learn the game a little better. Sure made me want my own boat, but too many lessons to learn first before I dare try salt water or tides out. Plus a 16' is no match for ocean waves or weather, but I'd love the freedom. Later J
We're in San Diego right now... fishing the PM trip on the Seaforth tomorrow. Checked the fish counts and they caught and released over 100 sand bass yesterday. Holy cow.... they caught a ton of fish I guess on the after the afternoon trip and not as many in the morning so thats why I chose what I did. I know its a party boat but its kinda just a fun, get some fishing in with the gf trip. Her first so we might get some drammamine for her. Sounds like a good time. Will report back!!
I'm jealous, hey couple tips that might be helpful. Move away from the crowds. They will put the boat in the middle of the chummed area so the front of the boat will be as good as the back. Only problem will be getting bait and putting your fish in the bags. Deck hands should help with that but the fishing will be so fast they likely won't have time so do it yourself so you can keep fishing. Rule two its a race, when you're on the fish get back in the water as fast as possible. See if they will teach you how to rig up ahead of time so if you lose your hook you can get rerigged without having to wait for help. Have them show you how to bait ahead of time. It's hard to hear or see their one time brief the team spill. Good luck and have fun. Later J
I used seaforth back in 2001 I believe in the spring. Brings back memories....