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So.... When does every one think the boils will start if at all on Ye Ole Mistress Bay?
when will the boiling begin ?
[#0000FF]Water boils at 212 degrees Farenheit. Willard Bay will likely not quite reach that temperature.

The wipers, however, will boil on baby shad whenever there is a high ratio of wipers to available food...more wipers than shad. Since the wiper numbers are way down and the shad numbers are way up the "boils" are not likely to be as common or as enthusiastic as in some past years.

Hope I am wrong.
Correcting for altitude, Willard would boil at 203.5°F but let's not quibble.
So given how hot it has been, and the forecast more of the same, Willard should be boiling within a week. Right?
Boils are a function of shad numbers and size of shad. When the shad are small, larval fry, they cannot swim very well and are blown around by the wind and current. Stripers, wipers, and other predators will swim along and slurp the larval stage fry off the surface with barely a dimple. IF you go to WAYNES WORDS you can see pics and videos of what he has named "slurps". As the shad get bigger and can swim better, boils occur when the predators push the shad against the surface of the water to break up the bait ball and use the surface as a barrier. We sometimes associate the presence of boils with the hot weather because that is when the shad have grown to sufficient size to allow them to elude the predators and the predators to engage in the chase !!!
Thanks but it was a joke. I guess I should have included a[Wink]
A joke? Oh no. Al Gore is already booked in, and he's bringing his famous hockey stick.

(OK, I'm done.)