07-28-2013, 08:10 PM
COLUMBUS, OH - The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) will seek public comments regarding fishing, hunting and trapping rule changes on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 12-3 p.m. at seven locations around the state. Input concerning proposed changes to the Ohio Wildlife Council from the July 17 meeting will be accepted.
Among proposed rule changes are decreasing the statewide yellow perch limit to 30, adding or removing boat engine limitations on several lakes and clarifying hunting and trapping language.
These events are open to the public. Anyone interested in providing input and participating in Ohio's professional wildlife management process is welcome. ODNR Division of Wildlife staff will be available to answer questions and receive comments.
People who are not able to attend an open house at one of the seven locations can provide input online. Comments are accepted through Aug. 10 at wildohio.com. Click on Open House Comments to submit a response.
Public input gathered at these open houses and through the online form will be considered during the formulation of regulations. For more information or directions to the open houses, visit wildohio.com or call 800-WILDLIFE (945-3543).
Open house location information for Aug. 10:
Central Ohio: Wildlife District One office, 1500 Dublin Road, Columbus 43215; 614-644-3925;<br />
Northwest Ohio: Wildlife District Two office, 952 Lima Avenue, Findlay 45840; 419-424-5000;<br />
Northeast Ohio: Wildlife District Three office, 912 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron 44319; 330-644-2293;<br />
Southeast Ohio: Wildlife District Four office, 360 E. State Street, Athens 45701; 740-589-9930;<br />
Southwest Ohio: Greene County Fish and Game, 1538 Union Road, Xenia 45385; 937-372-9261;<br />
Lake Erie (east): Fairport Fisheries office, 1190 High Street, Fairport Harbor 44077; 440-352-4199; and<br />
Lake Erie (west): Lake Erie Shores and Islands Regional Welcome Center - West, 770 SE Catawba Road, Port Clinton 43452; 419-625-8062.
A statewide hearing on proposed rules will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 9 a.m. at the ODNR Division of Wildlife's District One office. This hearing is open to the public, and comments on the proposed rules will be accepted.
After considering public input, the Ohio Wildlife Council will vote on the proposed rules during its meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Council meetings are open to the public. Individuals who want to provide comments to the council must preregister at least two days prior to the meeting by calling 614-265-6304. All comments are required to be three minutes or less. Emailed or written comments will not be presented at this meeting, but will continue to be an important mechanism for input in regularly scheduled wildlife open houses.
ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.
Among proposed rule changes are decreasing the statewide yellow perch limit to 30, adding or removing boat engine limitations on several lakes and clarifying hunting and trapping language.
These events are open to the public. Anyone interested in providing input and participating in Ohio's professional wildlife management process is welcome. ODNR Division of Wildlife staff will be available to answer questions and receive comments.
People who are not able to attend an open house at one of the seven locations can provide input online. Comments are accepted through Aug. 10 at wildohio.com. Click on Open House Comments to submit a response.
Public input gathered at these open houses and through the online form will be considered during the formulation of regulations. For more information or directions to the open houses, visit wildohio.com or call 800-WILDLIFE (945-3543).
Open house location information for Aug. 10:
Central Ohio: Wildlife District One office, 1500 Dublin Road, Columbus 43215; 614-644-3925;<br />
Northwest Ohio: Wildlife District Two office, 952 Lima Avenue, Findlay 45840; 419-424-5000;<br />
Northeast Ohio: Wildlife District Three office, 912 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron 44319; 330-644-2293;<br />
Southeast Ohio: Wildlife District Four office, 360 E. State Street, Athens 45701; 740-589-9930;<br />
Southwest Ohio: Greene County Fish and Game, 1538 Union Road, Xenia 45385; 937-372-9261;<br />
Lake Erie (east): Fairport Fisheries office, 1190 High Street, Fairport Harbor 44077; 440-352-4199; and<br />
Lake Erie (west): Lake Erie Shores and Islands Regional Welcome Center - West, 770 SE Catawba Road, Port Clinton 43452; 419-625-8062.
A statewide hearing on proposed rules will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 9 a.m. at the ODNR Division of Wildlife's District One office. This hearing is open to the public, and comments on the proposed rules will be accepted.
After considering public input, the Ohio Wildlife Council will vote on the proposed rules during its meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Council meetings are open to the public. Individuals who want to provide comments to the council must preregister at least two days prior to the meeting by calling 614-265-6304. All comments are required to be three minutes or less. Emailed or written comments will not be presented at this meeting, but will continue to be an important mechanism for input in regularly scheduled wildlife open houses.
ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.