08-05-2013, 01:02 AM
Hello everybody, back from Wade Lake for the past week. The weather was spotty at best. Sunday through Thursday major showers everyday with lightning and thunder, pretty cool in though hearing and seeing in the mountains. Fishing was tougher than usual up there. I limited out every day but it was not fast and furious like years past. There have been these little worms dropping down from the pine trees on silk lines that I see every year. This year though they had hatched and were everywhere. Tan in color, probably about 3/4 of an inch long, the same wide. Along the edges of the lake it looked like a fish hatchery at feeding time, fish cruising the edges mouths wide open sucking them in, so fish that I could normally catch with downriggers and bait were only taking flies. On the positive side all the kids caught fish. The one little girl I got set up on the bank and in twenty five minutes she had her limit. Between shuttling fifteen different family members and friends around the lake I got about two hours of fish time to myself, usually at first light. A panther martin, black and gold at about fifty feet down on the rigger was my main destroyer. My biggest fish for the week was twenty inches. Most of the fish I caught were those cookie cutter wade lake fish, but so much fun to catch. I kept a hand full of eaters but most went back to fight another day. The pictures aren't of the best quality but I hope you enjoy them. I also look forward to posting another thread I will title gut check time. For the first time I put on my pfd. Sustained fifty mile an hour winds for ten hours and I am stuck up the lake with the sun going down, will look forward to your observations of what I did right and what I did wrong, don't worry I can take it.