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Full Version: What I've Been up to
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Most recently, I went to the Uintah Mountains with my dad and sister, and fished Moosehorn Lake, Tea Pot Lake, and part of the Provo River. I caught quite a bit but nothing bigger than 12 inches. My dumb phone died really fast up there so I couldn't take many pics and no fish were really even that worthy anyways. I only fished around 5 hours for the 3 days we were up there. Up there its so beautiful that it's not all about fishing/catching stuff. Did lots of hikes like the ones up to Fehr Lake, Shepard Lake, and what ever the other one is. Also just went plain exploring in random places without designated trails. We saw a big Bull Moose, beautiful lakes and rivers, scenery , and even perfectly intact elk skeleton. People using Lures and Flys were doing better than everyone else probably because of how mossy it was on the bottom.

Other than that, I caught a couple good catfish on the J River.
Was this Uintah's or Uinta's? Cute pups and that waterfall.
Hmm now you got me thinking cause I honestly don't know how to spell it. It's the one with Mirror Lake and the billions of lakes. Also have a video of my sister catching a fish and her dogs going crazy like always haha. Don't know how to post videos on here though Sad.
Can't help you on the video, but Mirror Lake is Uinta. Love it up there!
Yeah I had to suffer a whole year(last year) of not going up there. I will say I am a little bit disappointed with our trip because my dad seems like he's declined a lot physically. He's turning 60 this year and was fatigued after literally walking up and down a hill a few times carrying fire wood. He also admitted he likes golf more than fishing now Sad. Because it was their vehicle, I also didn't get to go some places I wanted to. My dad heard Whitney Reservoir was a "mud puddle" so he wasn't even willing to drive their :/. I guess I could have gone myself but he also wasn't into float tubing(probably because of his decline physically) so I didn't get to use my tube up there.
That is too bad. But, 60 isn't that old[Wink] I am sure he might have slowed down a bit though.
What did you catch over in Shepherd and the other lake over there (can't remember it's name either)? Nice post of pretty area.
I actually didn't fish either Sheppard or the other one sorry. I only fished at Moosehorn, Tea Pot Lake, and the Provo River. 2 years ago I caught some nice brookies in Sheppard though. The moose pictures were at some mystery place that was supposed to be the Duchesne River but we followed it and all it did was bring us to a lake that said Government property and then there was some other small shallow lake(the one the moose was in) so we didn't fish that one either.