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Full Version: lucky peak kokanee run advice
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1. Anyone know when they typically start?

2. What do you use? I've heard they don't really bite due to hookjaw. Any thoughts?
This year's spawners might be getting "lockjaw" as we speak. However, the fishing will continue for next year's fish. Very few of the 18"ers are being caught now. However, fishing for 13 and 14's continues. You might want to explore Kokanee Fishing Forums, and then go to the Idaho site. There are many of us from this site who frequent it. The folks at that site, as with this one, are happy to share info. The Lucky Peak strand is particulary active. Mike
Thanks for the advice. I was thinking more about when they run up moores. Im not a boat owner yet Sadly... lol.
It varies, but I would begin checking in a few weeks...maybe the third week in August. If you are going to fish for them, remember that snagging is illegal, and if you do snag one, it must be released. I personally wouldn't eat them at that point. Mike
Yea I know u can snag them. But that's not real sporting. At any rate I know the regs. I love fishing to much to risk something like that . So basically after they start running they don't bite and aren't worth eating? Well that stinks. Thanks for saving me the effort Lols.
Spawning Kokanee will strike at any red lure or fly that crosses their paths. They are very territorial, even while they remain in the lake.
Or small spoons like an 1/8 oz. thomas cyclones bounced through the hole to maximize flash works well also.
This is all new to me so I appreciate all the info. I guess I just assumes they were like mini salmon in their behavior. They sure are neat to see in the streams though!