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Took a neighbor kid fishing last evening at UL & had an absolute blast watching / helping him land a 10 lb. cat. Gonna try & post a pic.
Did u have to hold him in the boat by his belt ? Was this kitty the only taker or did him come with company ? Have you seen any white bass yet ? I cross the street and ask you in person....LOL
The young'un caught two cats, the big boy and another about 20". I had to settle for three 8 - 10" white bass. Those whities all had shrunken abdomens. Starvin' I'm afraid.
Awesome! I'm sure he'll never forget that Smile. I'm sure those will make some good fillets.
Way to go, I'm sure he had a wonderful time.
NIce fish man, I love seeing people taking kids out and getting them on good fish.
Good job there Tom. I am sure he will remember take fish for a long time.