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[size 1][font "Arial"][#a50400][#a50400][size 3]** Ok guys read questions before looking at answers[sly]**

Are you dumb enough to be a Raider?
[/#a50400]By Graham Hays[/font][/size] [size 1][/size]

[size 1]It takes a special kind of person to play for the "dumbest team in America." Not every NFL player is capable of jumping offsides on a big play or making a late hit on an opposing quarterback or falling asleep in a team meeting. Yes, playing for the silver and black lets you live the glamorous lifestyle of a professional athlete. But do you have what it takes to play for Raiders? Take our Raiders' IQ Test to find out:[/size]

[#a50400][size 1]Team Knowledge

[size 1]1. How many yards does it take to make a first down?[/size]

[size 1]A) 5
B) 10
C) 15
D) 20
E) 30[/size]

[size 1][/size] [size 1][/size] [font "verdana, arial, geneva"][#666666][size 1][/size][/#666666][/font]

[size 1][/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- After factoring in the 20 yards you've already been penalized for holding and intentional grounding.[/size]

[size 1]2. What is the Raiders' motto?[/size]

[size 1]A) Pride and Poise
B) Pride and Prejudice
C) Father of the Pride
D) Pride in Paychecks
E) Bring in 'Da Poise, Bring in 'Da Funk[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: D -- Every classic needs a modern refurbishment. [/size]

[size 1]3. What is correct spelling of the former backup (now injured) quarterback's name?[/size]

[size 1]A) Evans (Vince)
B) Lowe (Rob)
C) Johnson (Rob)
D) Mirer (Rick)
E) Tuiasosohcrap (Marques)[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- Hey, it's tough to read all those letters on his jersey when he was always on his back.[/size]

[size 1]4. Which group did Al Davis help create?[/size]

[size 1]A) League of Nations
B) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
C) American Football League
D) American Bar Association
E) Aging Millionaires of Northern California[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- Partial credit for answering D, which he merely helped fund. [/size]

[size 1]5. What video is most important in preparing for a Week 14 game against Pittsburgh?[/size]

[size 1][/size] [size 1][/size] [font "verdana, arial, geneva"][#666666][size 1][/size][/#666666][/font]

[size 1][/size]

[size 1]A) Deep post to Plaxico Burress
B) 3-4 safety blitz from Mike Logan
C) Counter run from Jerome Bettis
D) Fish that Saved Pittsburgh
E) Paris Hilton [/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- Nobody falls asleep in film study this week.[/size]

[size 1]6. Who has the most yards this season?[/size]

[size 1]A) Rich Gannon passing
B) Lincoln Kennedy holding
C) Shane Lechler punting
D) Jerry Rice receiving
E) Tyrone Wheatley rushing[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: D -- Maybe he'll send postcards from Hawaii. [/size]

[#a50400][size 1]Community Knowledge

[size 1]7. What is the state capital of California?[/size]

[size 1]A) Los Angeles
B) Oakland
C) Sacramento
D) San Diego
E) San Francisco[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: A -- At least it will be once Al Davis is done with his next lawsuit. [/size]

[size 1]8. What is the state bird of California?[/size]

[size 1]A) California Valley Quail
B) California Condor
C) Extended Middle Finger
D) Rick Mirer Out-Pattern Duck
E) Western Speckled Thrush[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: D -- It's well-known for seeking out visitors to Oakland.[/size]

[size 1]9. Who was recently recalled as governor of California?[/size]

[size 1]A) Al Davis
B) Baron Davis
C) Betty Davis
D) Gray Davis
E) Sammy Davis[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: D -- Team captains investigating whether the same procedure can be used on coaching staffs. [/size]

[size 1][/size] [size 1][/size] [font "verdana, arial, geneva"][#666666][size 1][/size][/#666666][/font]

[size 1][/size]

[size 1]10. Which provides prisoners the toughest escape?[/size]

[size 1]A) Alcatraz
B) Bill Callahan's doghouse
C) Black Hole at Network Associates Coliseum
D) I-280 at rush hour
E) Sebastian Janikowski's place[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- Like visiting Mexico, visitors are advised to bring their own water. [/size]

[#a50400][size 1]General Knowledge

[size 1]11. Which of the following is not extinct?[/size]

[size 1]A) Dodo Bird
B) Bill Callahan
C) Passenger Pigeon
D) Caribbean Monk Seal
E) Jerry Rice[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- Easy one, as the other four are long past saving. [/size]

[size 1]12. What is the correct spelling of the drug commonly referred to as THG?[/size]

[size 1]A) Tetrahydrogestrinone
B) Tetrahydrogestrinowski
C) Thatisthehizzlegoodstuff
D) Tryhavingshriveledgonads
E) Trulyhategannon[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: B -- Kind of like naming a star after the astronomer who discovers it. [/size]

[size 1]13. What is the penalty for bribing a police officer in the state of Florida?[/size]

[size 1]A) Five years in prison and $5,000 fine
B) Two years in prison and a $10,000 fine
C) Three years probation and a $5,000 fine
D) Five years probation and Miami Heat season tickets
E) Stern talking-to from coach Bowden[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E Everyone knows football players never do jail time. [/size]

[size 1]14. You feel as if your boss' poor decisions are negating your efforts at work. How should you deal with your concerns?[/size]

[size 1]A) Broach the subject with your immediate supervisor
B) Send him/her a polite memo requesting a private meeting
C) Keep your concerns to yourself and wait for someone else to act
D) Borrow a co-worker's gamma hydroxybutate and spike boss' coffee
E) Address your concerns to the national media[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: E -- Callahan isn't much of a coffee drinker. [/size]

[size 1]15. What issue most concerns you in the upcoming presidential election?[/size]

[size 1]A) Education
B) Right-to-work laws
C) Prescription drugs for seniors
D) Tax cuts
E) War on terrorism[/size]

[size 1]Correct answer: C -- It's the issue that hits closest to home for most of these guys. [/size]

[size 1]Results:[/size]

[size 1]0-5: Sorry, you clearly don't have a commitment to ignorance.
6-10: Keep working and Al Davis might sign you after you're past your prime.
11-15: Congratulations, are you interested in coaching the Raiders next year?[/size]
[pirate][pirate] I failed this terribly. I guess I am not even smart enough to be fan of the Raiders!!!
I'm sure Shewicker appreciates your touching commemoration of the Raiders! lol
[size 2]I can't wait for Sean to take test...[sly][sly][laugh][/size]
[unsure] When it rains it pours.
[size 2]That's why I like Sean. He's a good sport[sly][/size]
Yeah, you guys got me here. I don't know how to respond. I guess the Raiders deserve it for the remarks the coach made. It sucks cause it makes it so Raider fans have to deal with this crap.

So have your fun, I'll be back![cool]
[size 2]Famous last words! I think General Custard said that, " I 'll be back I just need to see what's over this hill!! "[crazy][pirate][laugh][/size]
Actually, Arnold said it to the desk seargant at the police station in the first Terminator movie. And look what he did to that place!

Get it?....... "Seargeant Releasit"
[size 2]That's true. That place looked like my room![crazy] I like Arnold to change subject.[sly] I voted for him and think he has alot of good ideas.[/size]

[size 2] Maybe the Raiders can hire him to help them out![shocked][/size]
They could use his Terminator 1 attitude. That's for sure.
wow your team is down for one season and alrady you guys are nippin at their

good thing the lions aint your home team. boy would I feel sorry for them then. lol

ya know that the lions have not won an away game in 3 years? they are getting ready to set the new record for away game losses. man thats as bad as the tigers tieing the mets in season losses. I think the regular season away losses are are amounting to over twenty games now.

there is no wonder why the lions fans are wearing paper bags over their heads when standing in line to buy tickets for the game. lol Litteraly, it is on the news here in MI.