Fishing with a five year old is always fun if they are biting. Hail storms, lightening, isn't the best recipe but she was a trooper. Fished near sheep creek this morning. The kokes have slowed down from the last time I was up here. The kokes are hook jawing up and starting to turn. Had two on right off the bat which threw the hooks(guessing soft mouths with the spawn coming on and I don't use snubbers). It was feast or famine for a few hours, nothing followed by doubles. As we landed our last koke to limit my wife and I out, we thought we'd better get going as it was getting black in the sky. Lightening started flying, hail and rain followed, we cruised to hide out, in hideout until it blew past. Smart move as the lightening had my full attention. Good day, finding fish that were hungry took longer than average but we've been pretty spoiled the last couple years. Six Kokes and a mutant rainbow (that wouldn't have lived so we kept that as well) in about two and a half hours. Rainbow colored lures with pink flashers were what they liked best. Two of the kokes were about 20" long an had thick fillets. Don't know what they weighed but were some of the biggest I've caught this year. I'm sitting in my place up here now thankful that I'm not on the water if the wind is anything like it is in Manila. Would be an exiting boat ride for sure.
That is a great picture! I got to ask, how do the Koke taste at this point? I know full spawn they are nasty, but just wondering if they are still fresh with the change happening.
Last year they tasted fine. I'll let you know after I eat these.
You had better luck then we did.
We spend all Saturday chasing fish & only got a few small kokes & baby lakers.
We braved the first storm (was over going to the damn) & it blew over pretty quick.
The evening storm that rolled in, well that was a nasty ride from pipeline into the dock.
We did get 2 very nice kokes over at the pipeline & a few nice laker pup's tho today.
What a wonderful picture. Nothing like a kid with a great big

and a limit of fish. I hope the bite stays good for a while. I'm planning on coming up after labor day with a group of wounded warriors. I expect that the koke bite will be slow but hoping to catch other species.
The great thing about these brave veterans is that they don't have high expectations, they are just happy to be out on a boat experiencing the day and spending time with their brothers and sisters in arms, but a fish or two would be nice. I hope to talk to you soon. Steve
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Steve, coordinate with me when your heading up. I will get with my buddies and pre fish as much as we can so they have a good experience. Sep 10 Koke season ends which I'm sure you're aware of. Kokes were really on and off Saturday, nothing then doubles as fast as you could get the lines down. We can try and jig for them if there is no wind. Keeping that huge pontoon over fish in a slight breeze would be a lot of work I would think.
Thanks Robbie. The dates we are looking at are Sept 6,7 and 8. right now there will be about 8 or 10 vets, 3 or 4 will be wheelchair bound. As a general rule there will be a ratio of 1 to 1 chair bound and care providers. so probably 12 of us.
I'm still looking at WY's oversized load permits. If I stay on the freeway system I don't need pilot cars, but I don't know about from the freeway to Manila. If it becomes too expensive, we'll bring a fleet of fishing boats instead.
Our intention is to camp on the beach somewhere if possible, but these chairbound kids have special needs, but I think we can make it work.
In any case, we greatly appreciate your help. I will try to contact Ashley Bonser and Jared Johnson today to see if they will be available to help with either their boats or their advice. Warmest regards, Steve
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I'm glad you got in safely, I don't know how hard the wind was blowing on the lake, but can imagine. In Manila it was blowing so hard I thought I saw Toto fly past.