12-03-2003, 01:26 AM
Nov. 30: Firearms deer season ends.
Nov. 30: Regular duck season, including canvasbacks, ends in the Middle Zone.
Dec. 1: Bobcat season opens in Zone 1.
Dec 1: Late archery deer season statewide.
Dec. 1-15: Fisher & marten trapping / Units A & B.
Dec. 1-Jan. 1: Late grouse season.
Dec. 4: Roscommon forest management Unit open house begins at 3 p.m.at the Roscommon Operations Service Center, 8717 N. Roscommon Rd., Roscommon. Contact: Donald Torchia, 989-275-4622 ext 2740, torchiad@michigan.gov for more info
Dec. 9: Traverse City Forest Management Unit compartment review begins at 9:30 a.m.. at East Bay Township Hall, 1965 Three Mile Road N., Traverse City. Contact David Lemmien at (231) 922-5280 ext 6840 or lemmiend@michigan.gov for more info.
Dec. 10: Traverse City Forest management Unit — Kalkaska County Compartment Review begins at 9:30 a.m.. at Kalkaska Township Hall, 209 Laurel Street, Kalkaska. Contact David Lemmien at (231) 922-5280 or lemmiend@michigan.gov for more info.Dec. 15: Muskie season ends on Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair and Detroit rivers.
Dec. 18: Roscommon Forest Management Unit Compartment Review begins at 9 a.m. at the Roscommon Operations Service Center, 8717 N. Roscommon Rd, Roscommon. Contact Donald Torchia at (989) 275-4622 ext 2740 or torchiad@michigan.gov for more info.
Dec. 1-15: Special late pheasant season in a designated area of southern Michigan.
Dec. 5-14: Muzzleloading deer season in the U.P.
Dec. 7: Regular duck season, including canvasbacks, ends in the South Zone.
Dec. 9-16: Elk season.
Dec. 12-21: Muzzleloading deer season in the L.P.
Dec. 13-19: Regular goose season extension.
Dec. 22-Jan. 1: Late antlerless deer season on private land in 19 counties. (Check 2003 hunting guide for details)
Dec. 31: Bass season ends statewide.
Jan. 1: Late archery season ends.
Jan. 1-Feb.1: Application period for a spring turkey permit.
Jan. 3: Late goose season opens in southern Michigan.
Jan. 3-4: Late duck season, including canvasbacks but NOT pintails, in the Middle and South zones.
Feb. 1: Late goose season ends in southern Michigan.
Nov. 30: Regular duck season, including canvasbacks, ends in the Middle Zone.
Dec. 1: Bobcat season opens in Zone 1.
Dec 1: Late archery deer season statewide.
Dec. 1-15: Fisher & marten trapping / Units A & B.
Dec. 1-Jan. 1: Late grouse season.
Dec. 4: Roscommon forest management Unit open house begins at 3 p.m.at the Roscommon Operations Service Center, 8717 N. Roscommon Rd., Roscommon. Contact: Donald Torchia, 989-275-4622 ext 2740, torchiad@michigan.gov for more info
Dec. 9: Traverse City Forest Management Unit compartment review begins at 9:30 a.m.. at East Bay Township Hall, 1965 Three Mile Road N., Traverse City. Contact David Lemmien at (231) 922-5280 ext 6840 or lemmiend@michigan.gov for more info.
Dec. 10: Traverse City Forest management Unit — Kalkaska County Compartment Review begins at 9:30 a.m.. at Kalkaska Township Hall, 209 Laurel Street, Kalkaska. Contact David Lemmien at (231) 922-5280 or lemmiend@michigan.gov for more info.Dec. 15: Muskie season ends on Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair and Detroit rivers.
Dec. 18: Roscommon Forest Management Unit Compartment Review begins at 9 a.m. at the Roscommon Operations Service Center, 8717 N. Roscommon Rd, Roscommon. Contact Donald Torchia at (989) 275-4622 ext 2740 or torchiad@michigan.gov for more info.
Dec. 1-15: Special late pheasant season in a designated area of southern Michigan.
Dec. 5-14: Muzzleloading deer season in the U.P.
Dec. 7: Regular duck season, including canvasbacks, ends in the South Zone.
Dec. 9-16: Elk season.
Dec. 12-21: Muzzleloading deer season in the L.P.
Dec. 13-19: Regular goose season extension.
Dec. 22-Jan. 1: Late antlerless deer season on private land in 19 counties. (Check 2003 hunting guide for details)
Dec. 31: Bass season ends statewide.
Jan. 1: Late archery season ends.
Jan. 1-Feb.1: Application period for a spring turkey permit.
Jan. 3: Late goose season opens in southern Michigan.
Jan. 3-4: Late duck season, including canvasbacks but NOT pintails, in the Middle and South zones.
Feb. 1: Late goose season ends in southern Michigan.