So this weekend me and my girlfriend are camping in the Uintas (Mirro Lake Highway) and I want to know where I can find some huckleberries up yonder. My girlfriend loves them and I want to make her happy and go picking for some. Thanks for any info!
I had no idea Huckleberries grew in the Uintas. I've picked many many buckets full of them in northern Idaho/Montanta. If you haven't picked them before I know a few tips to prevent crushing most of them when picking. Also very important...wherever you find huckleberries there won't be a bear or two very far away.
The Uintas have some patches of huckleberries here and there. But I've never found the tremendously productive patches like you find further north. I picked a few about 5 days ago. You're probable a bit early as only about 1 in 50 berries I saw was ripe then. I attached the photo of the location[laugh]. If the first photo wasn't helpful see the second. There are a few hundred bushes scattered along that shoreline within a hundred yards. If you look above the golden trout you'll see a log. To the right of it you can make out several huckleberry bushes on the shore early in the season before they fruit. The lakes above that also have huckleberries if everyone beats you to these. The cliffs will keep the weak kneed from reaching those.
In the 3rd pic
I cropped and enlarged the part of the photo with the huckleberry bushes to make them easier to see.
Oh yeah! Agree those aren't ready yet, not near purple enough.
Here's what I know about finding huckleberries. The plants like sun and shade, and moisture. Often they are found in small clearings surrounded by trees. Also, almost every time I've found a huckleberry bush, ferns weren't too far away. Now granted with the Utah climate all the above could be entirely incorrect.
Nope you nailed what the location of these bushes is like. Sun until just past midday running along the shore and inland a bit in places where the soil is very moist from water seeping down the cliffs from above. Plenty of ferns around as well.
Don't eat the black ones with deer tracks near them [

Hahahahaha. That's a coon turd! Sorry, I've watching too much Duck Dynasty lately.