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Full Version: Kinda saddens me
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I walked past Kidney pond in S. Jordan on my way to search for kitties in the Jordan this afternoon. Saw a dead carp in the pond and was told by a young fellow fishing there that someone had caught some out of the river and put them in the pond. According to the young man, they did get busted by the DWR. Hope they get the book thrown at them.

Also walked by two dead catfish that were just left lying on the ground. One on the sidewalk and one on the lawn. It Saddens me to see them wasted like that and it sets a mighty poor example.
Another case of bucket biology. Glad the DWR caught em.
Now that I'm starting to get a little longer in the tooth. My wife found it appropriate to but me a new T- shirt. It says "CSI" then underneath " can't stand IDIOT's". Problem is she has a hard time getting me to take it off to launder. Sure seems to be getting more self centered idiot's around. Sad deal.
Someone caught a much too large Pacu out of a very large desert lake down here in AZ in the very recent past.

Also in parts of the Gila River that runs through Phoenix, it's not uncommon to catch large Cichlids, Pacus, and Plecostomus. Some people's children...
[#0000FF]You can "catch" lots of things from the it goes through Phoenix and all the way to Yuma. Much worse than the Jordan ever thought of being.

But it is great for night fishing. The fish all glow in the dark. Just watch out for the "buzz worms" that are thick along the banks. They don't glow but they do bite.
Sorry to hijack your thread!

Pat, I've been shown a spot on the Gila, that is clean and holds very nice bass. Far downriver from PIR.
Darn that sucks...last year I used to fish that area tons. This year I haven't gone to it. I can't stand people that leave fish dead on a side walk.
Oh, and here I was thinnin' maybe it was your Save Utah Lake Carp campaign in action.

Seen whole herds of goldfish in a local CP. There's carp there too, but I believe they are sterile grass carp intentionally added - 4 eating weeds.

Saw a big fat painted turtle swimming across Mantua earlier this summer. We're talking like 10 inches in length at least. Had it come closer - mighta tried to net it.
I still don't hate them like most people do but this year I've done my fair share of carp killing for bait as well. I used to fish that pond and that stretch of river a lot last year because 2 of my best friends(and practically the only of my friends that like to fish) lived right by it. Sadly they went on a mission and won't be back till more than a year. I had some great memories by that pond. Caught a monster channel cat with them there and they videotaped it but Sadly didn't post it on youtube or anything. Still it was an awesome memory. I also know first hand how many carp are in that area...hopefully he didn't get to many in that pond. I don't think it's the first time that has happened at that pond either because I think I remember my friends saying someone did that as well.