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Full Version: Willard Bay South Marina 15 Aug 2013
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It's been almost 3 weeks since my last trip to WB. That trip lasted only about 30 minutes because a big thunderstorm blew up on the north end and in about 20 minutes blew almost every boat on the water into the south marina. At least that day there was still enough depth to maneuver in without much worry of hitting bottom.
[center][inline "(090) Thunder storm 28 July 2013.jpg"]

Well, after a coworker told me Wednesday he had "chunked" his motor prop going out the south marina, and his boat isn't much bigger than mine, I decided I better try at least one more trip before the south marina turns to dried mud.

I was at the entrance gate at 0545, still dark, and gate closed. And BTW I noticed that the "OUT" gate now has a new Tire Ripper on the outbound side, pointed toward the east. So guys, no more going IN the OUT gate during times the IN gate is closed.
The IN gate opened at exactly 0600 thru I went (I have a paid up annual day pass, and an annual Invasive species certification, all nicely displayed in my truck windshield)
Because it was still dark, or grey pre dawn, I didn't see the big yellow sign that says Boat launch ramps closed.
I pulled up to the road leading to the bathrooms. Was walking to the bathroom, and 4 deer bolted off the slope toward the campground, startled me pretty good.
Anyway, after taking care of business, got my boat ready to launch, then just sat in the cab drinking coffee til it got light enough to see. I am sure glad I waited !! The boat docks look to be at the full extent of their cables and the right side dock isn't even touching the water.
[center][inline "(091)South Marina 15 Aug 2013 0700.jpg"]
The left side dock had a small corner of the far right wing just barely in the water.
OK, I have a small 14' LUND that only draws about 12" of water, and there was only one person in the boat today, me. Figured if there was at least 2 feet of water at the dock, then I could launch OK. I put my Tin-Can in the water. Off the trailer there was 2.5', ok so far. Set the motor at shallow drive (no power tilt) and slowly reversed off the trailer. Still OK, about 3.5'. Headed to the one floating corner of the dock. Decided best bet was to nose in, keep the prop in as deep a water as possible. Very slowly bumped the dock with the bow, and noticed the hull scraped the bottom at the same time. OK, shut of the motor, a prop that isn't turning isn't damaged near as bad as one that is if it hits a rock. And there were several large rocks just off the edge of the dock. I tied my bow line to the dock cleat and climbed out. As I exited the boat, with the now increased day light, I could see my bow hull was sitting on sand / gravel and my motor skag was just inches from a rock in the boulder category. In fact, the drift of the boat swung it into that rock. But prop not turning so it just nudged it. But decided to pull the boat up to the end of the dock and tie it off with a stern line. That kept the prop away from the rocks, and about 6" of float under the bow.

[center][inline "(093) 15 Aug 2013 0700.jpg"]

OK, pulled up and parked the truck / trailer. Got back to the dock, got the boat VERY SLOWLY backed out into deeper water (relatively) 3.0-3.5'
Slowly motored toward the channel, stayed right in the middle, depth 3.0 - 4.5'. Left turn in the middle of the channel, depth 4.0 - 8.0' going toward the buoys. STAY IN THE MIDDLE and keep motor tilted up or locked in shallow drive. DON'T cut right of left until WAY past the buoys, like maybe 300 yards or more. I was about 500-600 yards out past the buoys on a straight NE heading before I got any depth greater that 6-7'

[center][inline "(094) 15 Aug 2013 0700.jpg"]

Getting out to the bay wasn't impossible today. But I'll bet by next weekend you will need a float tube to get on the water from the south marina. Now, I have no idea what conditions are at the north end. Maybe some kind soul can fill in that information for us..

But once I was on the water with enough depth under me, everything else today was great. The water was calm, no large power boats until way after 1000 and then they stayed far enough out that I could barely even hear them. The bugs weren't too bad, and for me, the fishin was one of the better ones this year. Not the best, but good, productive, and worth the effort getting out of the marina.

[center][inline "(095) 15 Aug 2013 0710.jpg"]

[center][inline "(096) 15 Aug 2013 815 AM Walleye 19 inch.jpg"] #1 Walleye 19 "
[center][inline "(097) 840 AM_Wiper_CPR.jpg"] #2 Wiper CPR
[center][inline "(098) 850 AM Cat.jpg"] #3 Cat
[center][inline "(099) 902 AM 21 inch Wiper.jpg"]
[center]#4 Wiper 21"

[center][inline "(0100) Catch 15 Aug 2013.jpg"]
[center]Days keepers
Talk about a close call with the prop....but good on ya for makin it work. Nice to see some good fish on the boat deck. Thanks for posting.
Hey TC, I believe me and you were fishing the same area yesterday. I was the guy in the white and green Mariah that asked how your trip was. I posted similar pictures of the ramp and docks in bassrods low water lake post as well.

At least a couple fish were willing to bite. I ended the day with two walleye, 5 or 6 wipers and a bonus crappie.
Yes, WiperMac, that was me in the little Lund Tin-Can.

I heard you on the water yesterday when you said you got a Crappie, how does that work? I have fished WB for 9 years. I've never caught a crappie ANYWHERE on that pond, and it is the first place in my life I have caught Catfish with a lure while trolling at 2 mph.???
I've told many friends of mine, WB will make a liar out of in a minute, about the time you think you have it figured out, it all changes.

Well, had to get some chores and errands done this morning, so headed out in about 30min. Going to see what shape the North Marina is in.

Good weekend to ya [fishin]
I also caught my first cat fish on a rapala there trolling at 2.0+ also.. I told my buddy wow I love catching wipers as I was reeling it in then I pulled it up and it had whiskers go figure felt stupid LOL
I've pulled a few out of there but it's sually when I'm targeting them during the spawn. That was the second crappie i've picked up when open water trolling this year. Don't know what the secret is, it hit a three inch crankbait intended for others.

One odd thing, when I filleted the crappie it it was loaded with two and a half inch baby shad yet the walleyes didn't have a single one in them.
OK, I just got home from WB North and got the boat all stowed. North marina has same "Boat Launch Ramps Closed due to low water, and the center 1/3rd of the ram is the only section useable. Right and left sides have big drop off right at the water. Good way to bust a boat trailer axle, or get hooked on it and not be able to get back up the ramp.
I didn't get any photos of ramp and dock. I got there so late and so many others (power squadron boats) were going in and coming out, and only the last few feet of the one permanent floating dock is useable due to shallow water, I launched fast as I could and got out of the way.
The channel out is still deep enough (4.5 to 8.5ft.) and the "hump" at the channel and main lake body comes up to about 5 ft. for just very short distance, then bottom starts leveling out at 9 ft. Going straight west from the north marina buoy to the west wall the depth gradually slopes down to 11-12 ft. the usual ridges and pockets here and there, but average is about 12 ft.

I don't expect it will take too much longer for the north end to get to the same shallow water situation as the south, but today anyway, small boats should have no problems.

As for the fishing today, well cause I got there so late in the day, I didn't expect much. I did hook up one smaller Wiper and an average Cat. Released both. CPR the Wiper cause too small, and CPR the Cat cause I just didn't feel like cleaning fish today.
BTW, WiperMac, the Wiper I got today was spitting out small 2" shad as I got him in the net.
Wow it sounds like it has dropped even more since I was there last week.