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Full Version: Boat less skunk
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Well it was supposed to be a Willard trip this furlough days, but I had both leaf springs on my boat trailer break and drop my fender on my tire. Man that makes a nasty sound. Anyway it's a 27" spring not the common size so after running all over Cache Valley trying to find one, I had to give up and order it from Amazon. So the boat is down for a week, bummer. I put the toon on the Bear yesterday and floated down the river. Man did I ever lose a ton of tackle again. Hate those dang snags. Anyway the fishing wasn't as good as I had hoped. I ended up with 9 fish in the basket but all but one was small. I did get one 15" bass LM, 3 sunfish, 4 bluegill, and a kitten. Plus I had a tank on, I fought it for 7 or 8 minutes after run after run, I kept turning it out of the snags and then just as I was getting ready to net it, I still hadn't gotten it up high enough to see more than its tail, then it ran around my motor and snap. I hate 4 lb test, that was a heck of a bass I wish I could have caught that one. Great fight though. Anyway I'm not so sure the cats have returned to the river, I should have rolled one, but not this trip. Lots of missed jig nibbles I couldn't hook, I hope they were crappie, but probably just bluegill or sunfish. Fun day but got really hot before I got off the river. Computer isn't working so no pix. Later J
Couple pix for Yote.... Later J