I was wondering if fishing during full moon would be better at night or very early in the morning (5-6am)? Last time I fished at night I finished at 8pm but I have not fished later than that hour. I was thinking maybe 6pm to 12am may be good for me. I'm more of a night owl than a morning person. I have a friend that says he avoids fishing during full moon. Any thoughts on this subject?
I have a headlamp but will bring an extra flashlight just in case although I see pretty good during full moon.
[#0000FF]There is a lot of variation in beliefs on this subject. Some folks are foaming-at-the-mouth passionate about one way or another.
My experience has been that some species...on some waters...are more affected by full moon cycles than others. And there are variations by seasons, barometric pressure, water clarity, water temps, available forage, basic feeding habits, etc. So I don't really have any generalities. I figure in all of the current conditions and then use a best guess approach.
As a general rule, fish that already feed at night might be more prone to feed at night during a full moon...especially if the water is clear, water temps are ideal and there is plenty of food available. But during cold water periods...with murky water and poor food resources...the fish will probably feed all day just to get enough to eat.
Most trout species are nocturnal feeders when there is food available and other conditions are right. During the summer, when the surface temps are warmer, it drives the fish deeper during the day and they do tend to come up in the water column to feed more actively at night. And during full moon periods during those times they can be very active all night and neutral or inactive by day.
I have had some great sessions on the water fishing after dark on full moon nights. Also some less than stellar ones. Ditto for almost any other set of conditions you can name.
Another thing I think I have observed is that fishing during a full moon period is often much better just before dark...and after dark...than it is in the morning hours. If the fish have fed during the night they will slow down and digest their meal during the day...and might not get excited by the silly stuff that anglers drag past their noses.
Your question could well be divided up into all of the different species and all of the different waters. Not all species act the same in all waters...and the uniqueness of some waters takes them out of any general classifications. But, please don't do that.
I wouldn't dream of attempting to add to TD's excellent treatise.
But I will observe that you should avoid white lights at night to preserve your fragile night vision. Use red-filtered lights only. It DOES make a difference.
[#0000FF]Red lights do not attract the bugs as much either.
More and more folks are dropping down those underwater lights at night to attract the fish. First the zooplankton come in...then the smaller fishes and then the big fishes that feed on them. A whole food chain within full view in clear water. But often you will do better casting out around the fringes of the light if you are fishing for sensitive fishies.
I guess that might qualify as an artificial moon. Better than an artificial birdie (Utah drivers' favorite hand signal).
Yup ... What TubDude said.
As for me, in general, my experience is that full, or large, moons reduce my daytime catch rate. If I am fishing during large-moon days, I am generaly off the lake by 10:00 am and on to more productive activities. If I am short on time and money, I often schedule my trips on eather side of large moon days.
Now, if I have sufficient time and money, I just go regardless of the phase of the moon.
My wife and I fished Willow Pond last nite from 8pm to 1130 or so. We just used plain ole night crawlers . The moon was fairly full and the fish were biting pretty good. Managed several cats and a couple bass. The lights at the ball park were on for quite a while. The fishing picked up when they went off for sure. Red or green lights are the only way to go. Hope this helped.
I fished for four days straight this weekend. Current Creek and Soldier Creek. Yes the full moon always makes a difference. But that does not mean bad thing. You just have to change up your game.
A storm moving in will effect the bite too. Constant experimenting, that is why it is fishing, not catching[

[quote flygoddess] that is why it is fishing, not catching[

One of my favorite but frustrating quotes. That's what I always say to myself when I get dealt the skunk. [:/]
[quote TroutMan93][quote flygoddess] that is why it is fishing, not catching[

One of my favorite but frustrating quotes. That's what I always say to myself when I get dealt the skunk. [:/][/quote]
Then quit it! Don't get skunked[

] Think positive.[cool]
Believe me Joni I do think positive...sometimes it is what it is.
I hear ya. Stupid fish[

Not stupid...just not very bright [

Or smart enough not to bite a hook.[

I just like to think their just not too bright to bite the hook [

Did you camp at Current Creek CG ? If so did you stay in the reserve area or first come first serve spot ?
First come site, but all four loops have them. We went through A first because that is right by the water, but most the sites are shallow, so tough for Trailer and truck. So we went to loop B and our friend was already there so we stayed there. There was quite a few spots open, but it was crazy with tents and kids before they all go back to school.
I didn't hate the place, just wanted more trees which A also offers, and maybe walking distance to the lake.
And a of course, being able to get there without going so far out of the way.
" that is why it is fishing, not catching[

] "
I like the one I learned from my Dad over 50 years ago:
"It's called "Fishin", 'cause "Gamblin" was already taken"
I thought I would try both...LOL
How was the "catchin " ? We're planning a week long trip starting 27 Sep. Thinking Current Creek, the Berry. Scofield or even Henrys. Heard all the ramps will be high and dry and Henrys by then though.[frown]