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Full Version: Strawberry reservoir and the river
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Wednesday the boat was filled with wounded warriors and a wonderful day of fishing. I stayed the night aboard the boat and went down on the river below the dam in the morning with my fly rod.
The beauty of the canyon and the river was quite remarkable. The fishing was excellent as demonstrated by the pictures. Tomorrow I will return to the lake for a week end of our veterans and a hope and dream I can find time to return to this, most beautiful river.
Fun stuff, I haven't been to the river in years. Funny question but, is there still loads of snakes at the river? When I went there years ago as a kid, there were garter snakes everywhere. I wasn't much of a fisher back then and would be snake hunting while my dad was fishing haha. I should go back up there sometime when I'm at strawberry.
I didn't see any snakes, but I only fished a short section of the river that was easily accessible. With the beauty of the canyon and the rising brown trout in the river there could have been boa constrictors along the bank and I wouldn't have noticed.
P.M. sent
Pretty browns, Pez. There are a scattering of brook trout in the area also.
Thank you for your service. You're a helluva guy!
I would love to join you on your next trip to the berry if you are looking for help I know the lake well but haven't been up in a while and have been wanting to get there before summers end
Nicepics. Glad to see the vet taking a day to fish. They deserve it. They protect our country and should enjoy a great day of fishing.