Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, Spotted Bass, and a Sucker, August 25, 2013, Dr Phil Gawthrop
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Dr Phil called me last night and asked me if I was up for a short Crappie trip this morning and I said yes. So, we launch out of HBSP at safe light and fished the river. We even caught some fish on the one dock that we fished today. A couple of keepers and some 10 inch throwback fish on that dock.<br /><br />Back to off shore structure to locate and find some of the better fish today. I caught a 14.5 inch TARP Black Crappie and had a 12" Black Nose Crappie as well. Phil caught a big sucker in a cove and I landed a very nice Spotted Bass on a delta structure. Of the 25 to 30 crappie that we caught, Phil kept 10 to eat, while I kept the Spotted bass for Wanda. She likes those Bass sandwiches and so do I. emoBigSmile <br /><br />All fish were caught deep and the bite was very tentative today. The bigger fish came right off bottom. Let the jig hit bottom, reel one time and do a palsy twitch and get a bite. That happened more than once. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Phil. We will do this again. Doctor's orders. You can tell by the pics that we were using Bobby Garland Mo Glo Electric chicken slab slayers and shads. emoBigSmile emoGeezer