08-28-2013, 09:00 AM
Dr Phil called me last night and asked me if I was up for a short Crappie trip this morning and I said yes. So, we launch out of HBSP at safe light and fished the river. We even caught some fish on the one dock that we fished today. A couple of keepers and some 10 inch throwback fish on that dock.<br /><br />Back to off shore structure to locate and find some of the better fish today. I caught a 14.5 inch TARP Black Crappie and had a 12&quot; Black Nose Crappie as well. Phil caught a big sucker in a cove and I landed a very nice Spotted Bass on a delta structure. Of the 25 to 30 crappie that we caught, Phil kept 10 to eat, while I kept the Spotted bass for Wanda. She likes those Bass sandwiches and so do I. emoBig
<br /><br />All fish were caught deep and the bite was very tentative today. The bigger fish came right off bottom. Let the jig hit bottom, reel one time and do a palsy twitch and get a bite. That happened more than once. emoBig
<br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Phil. We will do this again. Doctor&#39;s orders. You can tell by the pics that we were using Bobby Garland Mo Glo Electric chicken slab slayers and shads. emoBig