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Had a few hours so my brother and I headed up to Pass Creek Lake to try and catch some Cutts. Noticed a funny noise on the truck half way there and it wasn't till we turned onto dirt road that I got out to check. Two lug nuts gone, studs sheered off. Four remaining lug nuts only attached by two or three turns. I left my truck parked on the street for two nights. Why someone would loosen bolts is beyond me, if that wheel had come off doing 75 down the interstate we could have been in a world of hurt. Jacked up truck and tightened down remaining four, wasn't going to let this stop us. Dropped four wheeler and made 2.5 mile ride to little lake. In two hours we landed 13 beautiful cutthroats and turned loose to fight another day. Here are a few pictures.
Good that you made it there safe. Nice fish!

The loose lug nuts can happen after you have had a tire changed, balance, rotated etc. The wheels are put on when up on the lift, and the nuts can get tightened on the rim of the hole. The nut is not centered or seated in the hole. Then down the road a ways the nuts center and are all loose. Usual practice is to retorque the tires after about 25 miles.

Glad you caught the problem before it was a total disaster.
Your exactly right, only problem is that I haven't had any tires changed or rotated in about 3000 miles. I wash my old truck and wash rims and tires every week. I know every creak and groan it makes. Just washed it days ago.