Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, 08 Sept and 13 Sept 2013, WLG on the 8th and alone on the 13th
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I worked at home most of the week, so I only have 2 reports to make. Last Sunday, I had the honor of taking WLG out for a crappie fishing trip and fellowship. We had a great time together, even though the crappie didn't exactly jump in the boat. We landed 21 and 3 bass (TGF) and all fish were released to get bigger over time. <br /><br />We fished off shore structure, docks, points, etc but the fish weren't too active for us. We both used Bobby Garland plastics on 1/16 oz jig heads. Thanks for going with me, Wade. We must do this again real soon. Maybe the fish will be in a better biting mood then. emoBigSmile<br /><br />I fished alone today and scouted more than I fished. I located several places that look good and caught some fish from a few of them. I released all fish today. Fish were on a 25 count today. Deep and slow. Windy, NW and 84 degree water temp. Bobby Garland jigs on 1/16 oz jig heads were good today. emoBigSmile emoGeezer