Fishing Forum

Full Version: heath j, Conasauga River VIDEO, 9 different and HUGE SURPRISE, 9/12, sammy3531
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<br /> Had a great little wading trip down the lower Conasauga with us bringing 9 different species into our hands and a huge surprise!!! Mikey caught a STRIPED BASS in the hole where I made my famous "Gar on a shoelace" video!! It was a shocker and I had to follow up with gaspergou on this one. Come to find out it had traveled over an estimated 200-300 miles up all the way from the Coosa River System in Alabama during the massive floods early this year. It wasn't giant only a little over a pound at most but still a huge surprise!!! Anyway we caught longear sunfish, brown spotted sunfish, redbreast sunfish, coosa bass, spotted bass, striped bass, rock bass, shadow bass, and creek chub!! Of course here is the video of the trip and it IS 24MIN LONG so just to let you know you need some time to sit down and watch this great little trip!! Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think of my little intro I made!! <br />